Recent Submissions

  • Attitude towards students with disabilities and their relationship with school coexistence 

    Espinoza Euscategui, Betty Miriam; Rodríguez Saavedra, Liliana (Gate Association for Teaching and EducationCH, 2024)
    This research was carried out in a public educational institution with the purpose of analysing the association that exists between the attitude towards students with disabilities and school coexistence of students from ...
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  • Enseñanza de competencias investigadoras en educadores, mediada por la tecnología en educación superior: revisión sistemática 

    Chumpitaz Campos, Lucrecia; Lomba Portela, Lucía (Universidade de Vigo. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del DeporteES, 2024)
    Las principales y actuales tendencias metodológicas para la enseñanza de las competencias investigadoras de educadores en el nivel de Educación Superior, es el tema que desarrolla el presente artículo. Por ello, se optó ...
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  • Use of wearable technologies in health promotion in human medicine students 

    Curo Yllaconza, Javier Eduardo; Valle Elescano, Renee Amparo; Vilchez Cuevas, Tania Luz; Velásquez Orellana, Mirelly; Tezén Campos, José Hugo; Salazar Montenegro, Jaime; Riquez Livia, Digmer Pablo; Peralta Loayza, Eleazar Fidel (European Alliance for InnovationBE, 2024)
    INTRODUCTION: In the current era marked by rapid technological advances, the integration of wearable devices into everyday life has been a remarkable phenomenon. These devices, ranging from smart watches to physical activity ...
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  • Effects of future consequence consideration, cognitive reappraisal, and self-efficacy in health management on psychological distress in women 

    Ramos Vera, Cristian; Basauri Delgado, Miguel; Saintili, Jacksaint (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbHUS, 2024)
    Psychological distress in women represents a critical aspect; however, few studies have comprehensively addressed how health management strategies, consideration of future consequences (CFC), cognitive reappropriation, and ...
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  • Development and validation of the binge eating disorder scale (BEDS) 

    Arauco Lozada, Tania; Yupanqui Lorenzo, Daniel E.; Ottiniano Málaga, Tatiana (Sociedad Española de DietéticaES, 2024)
    Objective: Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is one of the most frequent eating disorders presentations. The primary symptom is recurrent episodes of binge eating, characterized by a large amount of food in a short period and a ...
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  • Network analysis of anxiety and depressive symptoms during the COVID‑19 pandemic in older adults in the United Kingdom 

    Ramos Vera, Cristian; Basauri Delgado, Miguel; Saintila, Jacksaint; García O’Diana, Angel; Calizaya-Milla, Yaquelin E. (Nature ResearchGB, 2024)
    The health crisis caused by COVID-19 in the United Kingdom and the confinement measures that were subsequently implemented had unprecedented effects on the mental health of older adults, leading to the emergence and ...
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  • University curriculum and transformative professional training 

    Pérez Postigo, Gerber Sergio; Rojas Galarza, Carlos Juan; Camargo Cuéllar, Mónika Nelly; Mango Quispe, Pedro Estanislao (Grupo CompasUS, 2021)
    Public universities increasingly attract a greater number of students in our country. Therefore, they face different challenges that range from the possibility of having modern facilities, and in an emphatic sense, to ...
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  • Insights for SETI from linguistics studies in the Peruvian Amazon 

    Musso, Paolo; Atachahua, Wilmer; Aylas Torres, Jhomira Larissa; Azcona, Guisella; Casique Coronado, Luzmila; Chávez Sánchez, Liz; Comante Asencio, Gedeon; Flores Durand, Rudy Walter; López Bautista, Juan; Navarro Linares, Janina; Paredes Garcia, Lourdes Yessenia; Vasquez Balarezo, Jovita; Zapata, Remigio; Zumaeta, Esaú (International Astronautical Federation, IAFUS, 2023)
    In two previous papers presented at the IAC 2019 and 2020 we have illustrated the experience of intercultural dialogue at the Amazonian University UCSS-Nopoki of Atalaya, explaining why it could provide interesting insights ...
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  • Stress factors and food purchase prioritization during the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 

    Quezada Acuña, Laura; Durán Agüero, Samuel; Pérez Ocampo, Luisa; Ríos Castillo, Israel; Ramos de Ixtacuy, Mónica; Nessier, María Celeste; Parra Soto, Solange; Morejón Terán, Yadira; Becerra Granados, Luis Miguel; Prada-Gómez, Gloria; Fernández Condori, Roxana Carla; Guerrero Gómez, Ana; González, Laura; Nava-González, Edna J.; Moya-Osorio, José Luis (Elsevier LtdNL, 2024)
    Background: The pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic confinement has an impact on stress levels, which causes changes in food purchase and consumption behaviors. The objective of this study is to associate ...
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  • Semillas de arte: una intervención comunitaria basada en los principios de terapia de artes expresivas desarrollada con mujeres migrantes 

    Quezada Zevallos, Jenny Zarela; Gonzales Cueva, Valeria (Universidad Complutense MadridES, 2024)
    Este artículo describe una intervención comunitaria basada en los principios de la terapia de artes expresivas, desarrollada con un grupo de mujeres migrantes en situación de pobreza en Lima Perú, realizada en dos fases y ...
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  • Asociación de dependencia con valoración nutricional, fragilidad y sarcopenia en el adultos mayores peruanos 

    Condori Fernández, Roxana Carla (Archivos Latinoamericanos NutriciónVE, 2023)
    En el Perú existen 4 millones 140 mil adultos mayores de 60 y más años de edad que representan el 12,7% de la población total al año 2020. Objetivo: asociar de dependencia con valoración nutricional, fragilidad y sarcopenia ...
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  • Comparison of collinearity indices for linear models in agricultural trials 

    Rivas Villegas, Danny; Rivero Alzamora, Cristina; Carrera Osorio, César; Calderón Ramírez, Luis; Rojas Correa, Liliana; Narrea Cáceres; Sánchez Palacios, José; Del Carpio Franco, Carlos; Vásquez Grados, Martín; Salinas Cruz, Luis; Rojas Ponce, Karin; Figueroa Rodríguez, José Jorge; Quipas Bellizza, Mariella Margot (Science PublicationsAE, 2024)
    The deleterious consequences of collinearity in linear regression on the precision of estimators of regression coefficients and the interpretability of the fitted model are widely recognized. In this study, we compare ...
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  • A network analysis approach to understanding centrality and overlap of 21 dark triad items in adults of 10 countries 

    Ramos Vera, Cristian; Basauri Delgado, Miguel Ángel; Lima Costa, Ariela Raissa; Calizaya Milla, Yaqueline; O’diana García, Angel; Calle, Dennis; Bonfá Araujo, Bruno; Duradoni, Mirko; Nasir, Shagufta; Saintila, Jacksaint (Dove Medical Press LtdNZ, 2024)
    Background: Previous research has suggested that manipulation and callousness are central to Dark Triad traits, but it has not identified which specific manifestations are expressed across various countries. Objective: ...
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  • Structure and factorial invariance of a brief version of the Eating Attitudes Test in Peruvian university students 

    Ramos Vera, Cristian; Basauri Delgado, Miguel Ángel; Huamán Obregón, Stefanny; Saintila, Jacksaint (Frontiers Media SACH, 2023)
    Background: University students often experience significant changes in their eating habits, which can increase the risk of developing eating disorders (ED). This situation calls for the creation of brief assessment tools ...
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  • Student satisfaction in the context of hybrid learning through sentiment analysis 

    Chamorro Atalaya, Omar; Guerrero Carranza, Rosemary; Poma García, Claudia; Sobrino Chunga, Lisle; Vargas Díaz, Ademar (Institute of Advanced Engineering and ScienceUS, 2024)
    With the incursion of data science into the academic field and the massification of social networks, it is possible to extract information on student satisfaction that contributes to feedback on teacher teaching strategies ...
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  • Efectos del ejercicio físico sobre el estado de salud y la satisfacción con la vida 

    Huambachano Coll Cárdenas, Ana María; Sánchez, Eduardo; Huaire Inacio, Edson Jorge (Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael Maria BaraltVE, 2023)
    Las transformaciones sociales producto del impacto de las tec-nologías han incrementado el sedentarismo de las personas en todos los campos laborales, lo que ha generado a su vez diver-sas patologías a nivel físico como ...
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  • Impacto del trabajo remoto en la salud ocupacional de trabajadores sanitarios durante la pandemia de Covid-19 

    Dávila Morán, Roberto Carlos; Castillo Sáenz, Rafael Alan; Vargas Murillo, Alfonso Renato; Velarde Dávila, Leonardo; Ruiz Nizama, José Leonor; Alfaro Quezada, Dimna Zoila; Guanilo Pareja, Carla Giuliana; Sánchez Soto, Juan Manuel; Pasquel Cajas, Renzo Fidel; Cajas Bravo, Veronica Tomasa (Editorial Salud, Ciencia y TecnologiaAR, 2023)
    Introducción: a partir de la aparición del Covid-19 se implementó el trabajo remoto en diferentes ocupaciones a escala global, apuntando a continuar con el desarrollo de actividades. En este sentido, la salud ocupacional ...
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  • Uso de dispositivos móviles en la promoción de la salud y el bienestar en estudiantes universitarios 

    Pareja Pera, Lidia Ysabel; Dávila Morán, Roberto Carlos; Sánchez Soto, Juan Manuel; Alfaro Quezada, Dimna Zoila; Ruiz Nizama, José Leonor; Castillo Sáenz, Rafael Alan; Velarde Dávila, Leonardo; García Huamantumba, Elvira; Saldaña Ponte, Apolinar; Pasquel Cajas, Alexander Frank (Editorial Salud, Ciencia y TecnologiaAR, 2023)
    Introducción: en la era digital en la que vivimos, los dispositivos móviles (DM) se han convertido en una extensión fundamental de nuestras vidas, y los estudiantes universitarios no son una excepción. Los jóvenes ...
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  • Bifactor SEM and MIRT structure of a 12-item human immunodeficiency virus stigma scale in peruvian adults 

    Ramos Vera, Cristian; Basauri Delgado, Miguel Ángel; Díaz Peña, Misael; Tinoco Alberto, José; Pérez Arroyo, Karen; Herrera Mamaní, Betsabel; Sánchez Villena, Andy; Saintila, Jacksaint (SAGE Publications Inc.US, 2023)
    Background: The stigma associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can lead to prejudice and discrimination against people who have been infected by this virus, consequently, it is important to have a validated tool ...
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  • Motivación académica y madurez vocacional en estudiantes universitarios 

    Rodríguez Saavedra, Liliana (Fondo Editorial Universitario Servando Garcés de la Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Falcón Alonso Gamero. Alianza de Investigadores Internacionales S.A.S.VE, 2023)
    La elección de los estudios universitarios se ha convertido en una decisión de gran trascendencia para la autorrealización profesional y personal del individuo. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la asociación ...
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