4.4.Artículos de revisión indexados

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11955/1230


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    Guidance and position of RINN22 regarding precision nutrition and nutriomics
    (S. Karger AG, 2024) Ramos Lopez, Omar; Silveira Assmann, Taís; Astudillo Muñoz, Elcy Yaned; Baquerizo Sedano, Luis; Barrón Cabrera, Elisa; Bernal, Claudio Adrián; Bressan, Josefina; Cuevas Sierra, Amanda; Fernández Condori, Roxana Carla; et al.
    Background: Precision nutrition is based on the integration of individual's phenotypical and biological characteristics including genetic variants, epigenetic marks, gut microbiota profiles, and metabolite fingerprints as well as medical history, lifestyle practices, and environmental and cultural factors. Thus, nutriomics areas including nutrigenomics, nutrigenetics, nutriepigenetics, nutrimetabolomics, and nutrimetagenomics have emerged to comprehensively understand the complex interactions between nutrients, diet, and the human body's molecular processes through precision nutrition. Summary: This document from the Ibero-American Network of Nutriomics and Precision Nutrition (RINN22; https://rinn22.com/) provides a comprehensive overview of the concepts of precision nutrition approaches to guide their application in clinical and public health as well as establish the position of RINN22 regarding the current and future state of precision nutrition. Key Messages: The progress and participation of nutriomics to precision nutrition is an essential pillar for addressing dietrelated diseases and developing innovative managing strategies, which will be promoted by advances in bioinformatics, machine learning, and integrative software, as well as the description of specific novel biomarkers. In this context, synthesizing and critically evaluating the latest developments, potential applications, and future needs in the field of nutrition is necessary with a holistic perspective, incorporating progress in omics technologies aimed at precision nutrition interventions. This approach must address and confront healthy, social, food security, physically active lifestyle, sanitation, and sustainability challenges with preventive, participatory, and predictive strategies of personalized, population, and planetary nutrition for a precision tailored health.
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    Bioactive compounds in potato peels, extraction methods, and their applications in the food industry: a review
    (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2023) Jiménez Champi, Diana; Romero Orejón, Frank L.; Moran Reyes, Angie; Muñoz, Ana María; Ramos Escudero, Fernando
    The potato is a tuber with high global demand and importance in the human diet. It is used by food industries to manufacture processed products (French fries, chips, and purees), and consequently, significant quantities of potato peel are generated as a by-product. Potato peels are rich in compounds like anthocyanins, glycoalkaloids, phenolic compounds, and flavonoids. These bioactive compounds are associated with good health because they protect the body’s cells from oxidative processes and have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, and anticancer properties. Hence, new methods to recover these compounds and their application to food matrices are being explored. This review aims to raise awareness of the value of potato peels as a source of different phenolic compounds and the need to recover them. The review highlights the most recent research on the use of this by-product in different foods to add value to the final composition or improve technological and nutritional properties
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    Enfoques de evaluación y uso de la tecnología en la educación superior: revisión de alcance
    (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2022) Chumpitaz Campos, Lucrecia; Cartagena Beteta, Mario; Corrales, César
    La evaluación es un proceso central para el desarrollo y el progreso del aprendizaje siendo el puente que evita que la enseñanza y el aprendizaje sean procesos paralelos que nunca se encuentran. En esta investigación se planteó identificar dos enfoques al respecto: evaluación del aprendizaje y evaluación para el aprendizaje, en 75 artículos de investigación ubicados en revistas de alto impacto, que abordan la temática de la evaluación en la educación superior. Para ello se establecieron cinco dimensiones de análisis sobre la evaluación: concepción, objeto, momentos, agentes y procedimientos. La metodología empleada se realizó desde una revisión de alcance que permitió obtener una visión general del conocimiento sobre la presencia de los enfoques mencionados e identificar cómo se integra la tecnología para los fines que plantea la naturaleza de cada enfoque evaluativo en la educación superior. Los resultados evidencian que el enfoque Evaluación para el aprendizaje tiene mayor presencia que el enfoque Evaluación del aprendizaje en las investigaciones. De la misma manera, los recursos tecnológicos utilizados son mayores y más diversificados en el enfoque evaluación para el aprendizaje a diferencia del otro.