Guidance and position of RINN22 regarding precision nutrition and nutriomics


Background: Precision nutrition is based on the integration of individual's phenotypical and biological characteristics including genetic variants, epigenetic marks, gut microbiota profiles, and metabolite fingerprints as well as medical history, lifestyle practices, and environmental and cultural factors. Thus, nutriomics areas including nutrigenomics, nutrigenetics, nutriepigenetics, nutrimetabolomics, and nutrimetagenomics have emerged to comprehensively understand the complex interactions between nutrients, diet, and the human body's molecular processes through precision nutrition. Summary: This document from the Ibero-American Network of Nutriomics and Precision Nutrition (RINN22; provides a comprehensive overview of the concepts of precision nutrition approaches to guide their application in clinical and public health as well as establish the position of RINN22 regarding the current and future state of precision nutrition. Key Messages: The progress and participation of nutriomics to precision nutrition is an essential pillar for addressing dietrelated diseases and developing innovative managing strategies, which will be promoted by advances in bioinformatics, machine learning, and integrative software, as well as the description of specific novel biomarkers. In this context, synthesizing and critically evaluating the latest developments, potential applications, and future needs in the field of nutrition is necessary with a holistic perspective, incorporating progress in omics technologies aimed at precision nutrition interventions. This approach must address and confront healthy, social, food security, physically active lifestyle, sanitation, and sustainability challenges with preventive, participatory, and predictive strategies of personalized, population, and planetary nutrition for a precision tailored health.


Indexado en Scopus. El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Institucional UNIFE. Deberá acceder por el DOI ó URL de la casa editorial externa. Lifestyle Genomics. Vol. 18, N° 1, Pag. 1 - 19, 30 November 2024.


Nutrigenómica, Nutrición de precisión
