Now showing items 49-68 of 74

    • Pensamiento ecológico latinoamericano y su aporte a un nuevo modelo educativo 

      Guanilo Pareja, Carla Giuliana; Pareja Pera, Lidia Ysabel; Guanilo Paredes, Carlos Enrique (Universidad del ZuliaVE, 2021)
      En la tradición intelectual latinoamericana la obra de Leonardo Boff constituye una figura cardinal. Sus críticas a la civilización occidental enjuician el paradigma científico y tecnológico sobre el que la modernidad ...
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    • Professor's leadership styles, engagement and academic satisfaction of the student during online classes 

      Tacca Huamán, Daniel Rubén; Cuarez Cordero, Renzo; Franco Canaval, David Guillermo; Córdova Berona, Helí Alejandro (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.US, 2022)
      The main objective of the research was to know the relationship between the leadership styles of the university professor, the engagement, and the academic satisfaction of university students during the context of virtual ...
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    • Psychological impact of COVID-19: a cross-lagged network analysis from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging COVID-19 database 

      Ramos Vera, Cristian; García O'Diana, Ángel; Basauri Delgado, Miguel Ángel; Huánuco Calle, Dennis; Saintila, Jacksaint (Frontiers Media S.A.CH, 2023)
      Background: The COVID-19 pandemic and its subsequent health restrictions had an unprecedented impact on mental health, contributing to the emergence and reinforcement of various psychopathological symptoms. This complex ...
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    • Psychology over the Internet: on-line experiences 

      García García, Victoria Isabel; Ahumada, L.; Hinkelman, J.; Muñoz, R.F.; Quezada Zevallos, Jenny Zarela (Mary Ann LiebertUS, 2004)
      The "International Symposium on Psychology over the Internet: On-Line Experiences" was held in Lima, Peru, July 2003, at the 29th InterAmerican Congress of Psychology. The main topic was the advantages and disadvantages ...
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    • Reflexiones ético-políticas en el hecho educativo como manifestación de libertad 

      Guanilo Paredes, Carlos Enrique; Pareja Pera, Lidia Ysabel; Guanilo Pareja, Carla Giuliana (Universidad del ZuliaVE, 2021)
      La siguiente investigación analiza la pertinencia de las discusiones ético-políticas en el hecho educativo. Presenta los retos e implicaciones de la pedagogía como pensamiento conjunto de los modos de vida que se comparten. ...
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    • Reflexiones y antecedentes en torno a los fundamentos de la universidad peruana y su autonomía 

      Gallegos, Ada Lucía; Ore León, José; Rodríguez Zavala, Luisa; Romero Díaz, Alejandra; Bonilla Dulanto, Karina (University of Cienfuegos, Carlos Rafael RodriguezCU, 2022)
      El trabajo se propuso reflexionar acerca de los antecedentes y orígenes de la universidad peruana, sus fundamentos en su proceso de desarrollo hasta la conquista de su Autonomía y cómo ésta influyó en su desarrollo hasta ...
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    • Relationship between digital competencies and critical thinking: a review of the scientific literature from 2015 to 2022 

      Bolo Romero, Karla Mavel; Gutiérrez Velasco, Flavio; Córdova Berona, Helí Alejando; Alvarado Suyo, Sofía Almendra (Richtmann Publishing LtdGB, 2023)
      The objective of this research was to develop a systematic review of the scientific literature between 2015 and 2022 on the relationship between digital competencies and critical thinking. In the methodological aspect, the ...
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    • Representaciones sociales de la violencia en ambientes pedagógicos 

      Mori Sánchez, María Del Pilar; Herrera Álvarez, Angela María; Huaire Inacio, Edson Jorge (Universidad del ZuliaVE, 2022)
      La presente investigación tiene el propósito de analizar la representación social de la violencia en ambientes pedagógicos. Se vale del estudio de caso en una institución educativa secundaria en la ciudad de Huaraz en ...
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    • Resilient attitudes and fear of contagion of COVID-19 in secondary school students in Perú and México 

      Huaire Inacio, Edson Jorge; Arteta Huerta, Hernán Alfonso; Llanos Miranda, Kelva Náthally; Gómez-Esquivel, Dulce Areli (Universidad del ZuliaVE, 2022)
      Resilient attitudes in times of a COVID-19 pandemic have allowed children and adolescents to develop protective factors to continue developing adequately. This is evidenced in the current study, whose objective was to ...
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    • Retorno a la presencialidad: actitudes de los universitarios peruanos hacia el aprendizaje y pos-crisis sanitaria 

      Huaire Inacio, Edson Jorge; Herrera Álvarez, Angela María; Sifuentes De la Cruz, Luis Enrique; Alfaro Saavedra, Maura Natalia (Universidad del ZuliaVE, 2023)
      Las actitudes se forman a partir de condiciones internas y externas en la que interactúa la persona, por lo tanto, pueden ser positivas o negativas y afectar su rendimiento en el ámbito educativo, en este contexto, se ...
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    • Self-regulation in academic work of distance education students 

      Pinto Guillergua, Vanessa; Montoya Cantoral, Elisa; Gómez Carbonel, Piero; Gallardo Echenique, Eliana (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.US, 2022)
      This study describes the perception of self-regulation for the planning of academic work in distance education students. Its approach is qualitative with a phenomenological interpretive design because it analyzes the ...
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    • Semillas de arte: una intervención comunitaria basada en los principios de terapia de artes expresivas desarrollada con mujeres migrantes 

      Quezada Zevallos, Jenny Zarela; Gonzales Cueva, Valeria (Universidad Complutense MadridES, 2024)
      Este artículo describe una intervención comunitaria basada en los principios de la terapia de artes expresivas, desarrollada con un grupo de mujeres migrantes en situación de pobreza en Lima Perú, realizada en dos fases y ...
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    • Social media and social movements around the world: lessons and theoretical approaches 

      La Rosa Pinedo, Amaro (SpringerUS, 2014)
      Undoubtedly, the Internet has a multilevel impact on the everyday life of the humankind. In the age of web 2.0, social media have proven to be an essential tool for social movements; to spread their ideas, gain followers ...
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    • Stress factors and food purchase prioritization during the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 

      Quezada Acuña, Laura; Durán Agüero, Samuel; Pérez Ocampo, Luisa; Ríos Castillo, Israel; Ramos de Ixtacuy, Mónica; Nessier, María Celeste; Parra Soto, Solange; Morejón Terán, Yadira; Becerra Granados, Luis Miguel; Prada-Gómez, Gloria; Fernández Condori, Roxana Carla; Guerrero Gómez, Ana; González, Laura; Nava-González, Edna J.; Moya-Osorio, José Luis (Elsevier LtdNL, 2024)
      Background: The pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic confinement has an impact on stress levels, which causes changes in food purchase and consumption behaviors. The objective of this study is to associate ...
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    • Structure and factorial invariance of a brief version of the Eating Attitudes Test in Peruvian university students 

      Ramos Vera, Cristian; Basauri Delgado, Miguel Ángel; Huamán Obregón, Stefanny; Saintila, Jacksaint (Frontiers Media SACH, 2023)
      Background: University students often experience significant changes in their eating habits, which can increase the risk of developing eating disorders (ED). This situation calls for the creation of brief assessment tools ...
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    • Student satisfaction in the context of hybrid learning through sentiment analysis 

      Chamorro Atalaya, Omar; Guerrero Carranza, Rosemary; Poma García, Claudia; Sobrino Chunga, Lisle; Vargas Díaz, Ademar (Institute of Advanced Engineering and ScienceUS, 2024)
      With the incursion of data science into the academic field and the massification of social networks, it is possible to extract information on student satisfaction that contributes to feedback on teacher teaching strategies ...
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    • Study of mental states in online classes caused by COVID-19, using brain-computer interface 

      Herrera, Lucas; Auccahuasi, Wilver; Rojas, Karim; Hilario, Francisco; Flores, Edward; Huaranja, Max; Linares, Oscar; Liendo Arévalo, Milner David; Ovalle, Christian; Bejarano, Patricia; Fuentes, Alfonso; Zamalloa, Leonidas; Sernaqué, Fernando (CEUR Workshop ProceedingsDE, 2021)
      The pandemic caused by COVID-19, has achieved the confinement of people around the world, changing many habits and customs. Education is one of the areas where this aspect has caused many changes in the way of studying, ...
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    • Tecnología en el proceso educativo: nuevos escenarios 

      Granados Maguiño, Mauro Amaru; Romero Vela, Sonia Lidia; Rengifo Lozano, Raúl Alberto; Garcia Mendocilla, Gino Fernando (Universidad del ZuliaVE, 2020)
      La tecnología en el proceso educativo, representa hoy día una herramienta esencial e imprescindible, siendo una exigencia de la vida moderna, que se incorpora de manera radical en un confinamiento obligatorio producto de ...
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    • The InCosmiCon research center and its activities in the field of SETI, big history and interculturality 

      Musso, Paolo; Antonietti,Nicolo; Asla, Mariano; Atachahua, Wilmer; Azcona, Guisella; Bertoldi, Francesco; Biavaschi, Paola; Capatinta, María; Ceroni, Mauro; Chávez Sánchez, Liz; Crippa, Roberto; De Paulis, Daniela; Dutil, Yvan; Facchetti, Giulio; Facchin, Laura; Gómez Navarro, Ángel; Gustafson, Lowell; Jordan, Alejandra; Laffitte, Lucy; Lagos, David; López, Didier; Maccone, Claudio; Maspero, Giulio; Melis, Andrea; Montebugnoli, Stelio; Monticelli, Rita Carla Francesca; Navarro, Janina; Oliva, Jorge; Pagan, Fabio; Pasquaré Mariotto, Federico; Pereyra, Carlota; Rossi, Lucio; Savio, Giuseppe; Spiriti, Andrea; Vaidyanathan, Brandon; Valdivia-Silva, Julio; Vargas, Teófilo; Velázquez, Lourdes; Vera Cervantes, Victor Daniel; Viaña, Carlos; Vianelli, Alberto; Vicentini, Alessandra; Vilcapuma, Patricia; Zapata, Remigio; Zumaeta, Esaú (International Astronautical FederationUS, 2020)
      As announced at the IAC 2019 held in Washington, at the beginning of 2020 the University of Insubria (Italy), in collaboration with the UCSS of Lima (Peru), has created a new research center called InCosmiCon (Intelligence ...
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    • The Inkas as tyrants: the construction of a twisted representation 

      Fossa, Lydia (Canadian Association for Translation StudiesCA, 2005)
      The chronicler Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa wrote a history of the Inkas in 1571 proving that they had been tyrants. This was necessary to convince the King that he had every right to appropriate their lands, riches, and ...
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