Now showing items 39-58 of 73

    • Methodological proposal to determine the motivations to teach and growth mindset of professors from a Faculty of Sciences 

      Lewis, Anna; Del Valle, Roxana; Chumpitaz Campos, Lucrecia; Corrales, César (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering InstitutionsUS, 2021)
      This article presents the design of a study to measure and understand the motivational characteristics of university professors from a Faculty of Sciences who are interested in improving their knowledge and teaching skills. ...
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    • Methodology for edge detection in high resolution optical satellite images 

      Herrera, Lucas; Auccahuasi, Wilver; Rojas, Karim; Hilario, Francisco; Flores, Edward; Flores, Javier; Bernardo, Madelaine; Liendo Arévalo, Milner David; Ovalle, Christian; Bejarano, Patricia; Fuentes, Alfonso; Zamalloa, Leonidas; Sernaque, Fernando (CEUR-WSDE, 2021)
      Optical satellite images are an important and indispensable tool in the analysis of large areas of land, for this reason many applications arise, among them the subject of the detection of objects present in the images, ...
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    • Una mezcla láctea fortificada con hierro y zinc mejora los niveles de hemoglobina en niños de 2 a 10 años en una comunidad andina en Perú: ensayo controlado aleatorizado, doble ciego 

      Paz Olivas, Youmi; Ignacio Cconchoy, Felipe L.; Meza Flores, Paola C.; Acosta Claros de Postigo, Alexandra; Benites Zapata, Vicente A. (Cuerpo Médico Hospital Nacional Almanzor Aguinaga AsenjoPE, 2021)
      Objetivo: Investigaciones anteriores coinciden en que el enriquecimiento de alimentos es la mejor estrategia a largo plazo en la prevención de la deficiencia de hierro. Nuestro objetivo es evaluar el efecto de una mezcla ...
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    • MOOCs and their contribution to the continuous development of high school teachers 

      Tacca Huamán, Daniel Rubén; Alva Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel; Cuarez Cordero, Renzo; Córdova Berona, Helí Alejandro; Franco Canaval, David Guillermo; Tacca Huamán, Ana Luisa (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.PK, 2023)
      The objective was to know the contribution of MOOCs in the continuous training of Peruvian high school teachers and also to highlight the challenges and difficulties they presented. The research was mixed with a sequential ...
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    • Motivación académica y madurez vocacional en estudiantes universitarios 

      Rodríguez Saavedra, Liliana (Fondo Editorial Universitario Servando Garcés de la Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Falcón Alonso Gamero. Alianza de Investigadores Internacionales S.A.S.VE, 2023)
      La elección de los estudios universitarios se ha convertido en una decisión de gran trascendencia para la autorrealización profesional y personal del individuo. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la asociación ...
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    • Network analysis of anxiety and depressive symptoms during the COVID‑19 pandemic in older adults in the United Kingdom 

      Ramos Vera, Cristian; Basauri Delgado, Miguel; Saintila, Jacksaint; García O’Diana, Angel; Calizaya-Milla, Yaquelin E. (Nature ResearchGB, 2024)
      The health crisis caused by COVID-19 in the United Kingdom and the confinement measures that were subsequently implemented had unprecedented effects on the mental health of older adults, leading to the emergence and ...
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    • Open source platform and e-learning in a public university in Perú 

      Alzamora Rivero, Cristina A.; Franco Del Carpio, Carlos M.; Palacios Sánchez, José M.; Rodríguez Saavedra, Liliana; Villegas Rivas, Danny (ResearchTrentz Academy Publishing Education ServicesIN, 2022)
      The objective of this research is to determine how the Open Source platform will affect the e-learning of students of a public university. The Methodology that has been used in this research is a mixture of qualitative and ...
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    • La pandemia de COVID-19: amenaza biológica versus trabajo y sociedad 

      Dávila Morán, Roberto Carlos; Guanilo Pareja, Carla Giuliana; Guanilo Paredes, Carlos Enrique; Ruiz Nizama, José Leonor; Agüero Corzo, Eucarise del Carmen (Instituto de Altos Estudios de Salud PúblicaVE, 2021)
      The Covid-19 officially declared a pandemic, since March 11, 2020, spreading in several countries around the world, at the same time affecting hundreds of thousands of people on all continents, causing a large number of ...
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    • Pedagogical accompaniment, resilience, and performance of university professors during virtual classes 

      Tacca Huamán, Daniel Rubén; Cuarez Cordero, Renzo; Franco Canaval, David Guillermo; Córdova Berona, Helí Alejandro (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.US, 2022)
      The objective of the research was to know the relationship between pedagogical accompaniment, resilience, and the professional performance of university professors during virtual classes. The research was quantitative, ...
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    • Pensamiento ecológico latinoamericano y su aporte a un nuevo modelo educativo 

      Guanilo Pareja, Carla Giuliana; Pareja Pera, Lidia Ysabel; Guanilo Paredes, Carlos Enrique (Universidad del ZuliaVE, 2021)
      En la tradición intelectual latinoamericana la obra de Leonardo Boff constituye una figura cardinal. Sus críticas a la civilización occidental enjuician el paradigma científico y tecnológico sobre el que la modernidad ...
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    • Professor's leadership styles, engagement and academic satisfaction of the student during online classes 

      Tacca Huamán, Daniel Rubén; Cuarez Cordero, Renzo; Franco Canaval, David Guillermo; Córdova Berona, Helí Alejandro (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.US, 2022)
      The main objective of the research was to know the relationship between the leadership styles of the university professor, the engagement, and the academic satisfaction of university students during the context of virtual ...
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    • Psychological impact of COVID-19: a cross-lagged network analysis from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging COVID-19 database 

      Ramos Vera, Cristian; García O'Diana, Ángel; Basauri Delgado, Miguel Ángel; Huánuco Calle, Dennis; Saintila, Jacksaint (Frontiers Media S.A.CH, 2023)
      Background: The COVID-19 pandemic and its subsequent health restrictions had an unprecedented impact on mental health, contributing to the emergence and reinforcement of various psychopathological symptoms. This complex ...
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    • Psychology over the Internet: on-line experiences 

      García García, Victoria Isabel; Ahumada, L.; Hinkelman, J.; Muñoz, R.F.; Quezada Zevallos, Jenny Zarela (Mary Ann LiebertUS, 2004)
      The "International Symposium on Psychology over the Internet: On-Line Experiences" was held in Lima, Peru, July 2003, at the 29th InterAmerican Congress of Psychology. The main topic was the advantages and disadvantages ...
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    • Reflexiones ético-políticas en el hecho educativo como manifestación de libertad 

      Guanilo Paredes, Carlos Enrique; Pareja Pera, Lidia Ysabel; Guanilo Pareja, Carla Giuliana (Universidad del ZuliaVE, 2021)
      La siguiente investigación analiza la pertinencia de las discusiones ético-políticas en el hecho educativo. Presenta los retos e implicaciones de la pedagogía como pensamiento conjunto de los modos de vida que se comparten. ...
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    • Reflexiones y antecedentes en torno a los fundamentos de la universidad peruana y su autonomía 

      Gallegos, Ada Lucía; Ore León, José; Rodríguez Zavala, Luisa; Romero Díaz, Alejandra; Bonilla Dulanto, Karina (University of Cienfuegos, Carlos Rafael RodriguezCU, 2022)
      El trabajo se propuso reflexionar acerca de los antecedentes y orígenes de la universidad peruana, sus fundamentos en su proceso de desarrollo hasta la conquista de su Autonomía y cómo ésta influyó en su desarrollo hasta ...
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    • Relationship between digital competencies and critical thinking: a review of the scientific literature from 2015 to 2022 

      Bolo Romero, Karla Mavel; Gutiérrez Velasco, Flavio; Córdova Berona, Helí Alejando; Alvarado Suyo, Sofía Almendra (Richtmann Publishing LtdGB, 2023)
      The objective of this research was to develop a systematic review of the scientific literature between 2015 and 2022 on the relationship between digital competencies and critical thinking. In the methodological aspect, the ...
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    • Representaciones sociales de la violencia en ambientes pedagógicos 

      Mori Sánchez, María Del Pilar; Herrera Álvarez, Angela María; Huaire Inacio, Edson Jorge (Universidad del ZuliaVE, 2022)
      La presente investigación tiene el propósito de analizar la representación social de la violencia en ambientes pedagógicos. Se vale del estudio de caso en una institución educativa secundaria en la ciudad de Huaraz en ...
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    • Resilient attitudes and fear of contagion of COVID-19 in secondary school students in Perú and México 

      Huaire Inacio, Edson Jorge; Arteta Huerta, Hernán Alfonso; Llanos Miranda, Kelva Náthally; Gómez-Esquivel, Dulce Areli (Universidad del ZuliaVE, 2022)
      Resilient attitudes in times of a COVID-19 pandemic have allowed children and adolescents to develop protective factors to continue developing adequately. This is evidenced in the current study, whose objective was to ...
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    • Retorno a la presencialidad: actitudes de los universitarios peruanos hacia el aprendizaje y pos-crisis sanitaria 

      Huaire Inacio, Edson Jorge; Herrera Álvarez, Angela María; Sifuentes De la Cruz, Luis Enrique; Alfaro Saavedra, Maura Natalia (Universidad del ZuliaVE, 2023)
      Las actitudes se forman a partir de condiciones internas y externas en la que interactúa la persona, por lo tanto, pueden ser positivas o negativas y afectar su rendimiento en el ámbito educativo, en este contexto, se ...
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    • Self-regulation in academic work of distance education students 

      Pinto Guillergua, Vanessa; Montoya Cantoral, Elisa; Gómez Carbonel, Piero; Gallardo Echenique, Eliana (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.US, 2022)
      This study describes the perception of self-regulation for the planning of academic work in distance education students. Its approach is qualitative with a phenomenological interpretive design because it analyzes the ...
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