Educational rationality and consumer society

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Polish Academy of Sciences - Institute of Philosophy and Sociology


In the paper we analyze the educational rationality closely associated with a neoliberal cultural logic that causes various lifestyles which seek only the satisfaction of unreal or symbolic needs where the ideal of education appears as one more among others. Furthermore, we consider educational policies subordinated to an expansive cultural logic of post-industrial capitalism, having as a historical reference the neoliberal turn of the Peruvian educational policy and a symbolic structure deeply established in the psyche of the society transformed by the social pathologies of mercantilism and consumerism. This insight will allow us to propose a socio-philosophical critique of postmodernity.


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El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Institucional UNIFE. Deberá acceder por el DOI ó URL de la casa editorial externa.
Dialogue and Universalism ; Vol.32, N°2 ; 2022 ; pp.159-174


Educación, Cultura, Neoliberalismo, Racionalismo, Consumismo
