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Item Metadata only El impacto de un programa de meditación Mindfulness sobre las estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés en estudiantes universitarios(Federación Española de Docentes de Educación Física, 2025) Villa Ricapa, Linda Flor; Vásquez Artica, Jessenia; Via y Rada Vittes, José Francisco; Quispe Sanabria, Edith Mariela; Poma Lagos, Luis Alberto; Romero Giron, Hilario; Guanilo Pareja, Carla Giuliana; Pareja Pera, Lidia Ysabel; Guanilo Paredes, Carlos Enrique; Dávila Morán, Roberto CarlosEl estrés académico es una preocupación significativa entre los estudiantes universitarios, afectando su bienestar emocional y rendimiento académico. La meditación mindfulness (MM) ha emergido como una intervención prometedora para mejorar las estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés. Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la efectividad de un programa de meditación mindfulness de 12 semanas en mejorar las estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés académico en estudiantes de enfermería. Se utilizó un diseño experimental aleatorizado con 86 estudiantes de enfermería, asignados al grupo experimental (n=43) y al grupo control (n=43). El grupo experimental participó en un programa de MM basado en el protocolo MBSR durante 12 semanas, con sesiones semanales de 60 minutos y prácticas individuales diarias. Se midieron los niveles de mindfulness y las estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés antes y después de la intervención utilizando la Escala MAAS y la Escala de Estrategias de Afrontamiento A-CEA. Se realizaron análisis estadísticos mediante pruebas t y correlaciones de Pearson. Los resultados mostraron un incremento significativo en los niveles de mindfulness en el grupo experimental (M pre = 3.20, M post = 4.50; t (42) = -15.34, p < .001, d = 2.34), en comparación con el grupo control, que no presentó cambios significativos (p = .27). Además, se observaron mejoras significativas en las dimensiones de reevaluación positiva y planificación (p < .05) en el grupo experimental, mientras que la búsqueda de apoyo social mostró una tendencia al aumento sin alcanzar significancia estadística (p = .051). Este estudio sugiere que un programa de meditación mindfulness de 12 semanas es efectivo para mejorar ciertas estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés académico, específicamente la reevaluación positiva y la planificación. Estos hallazgos respaldan la incorporación de intervenciones de mindfulness en el currículo académico para promover el bienestar emocional y la gestión del estrés entre estudiantes universitarios.Item Metadata only Psychometric properties of a physiotherapy care satisfaction scale using telerehabilitation in caregivers of pediatric patients during the COVID-19 pandemic(SAGE Publications Inc., 2025) Gonzalez Ccosi, Jessica Liz; Pedraza Ricra, Deysi; Basauri Delgado, Miguel; Saintila, JacksaintBackground: Evidence on the psychometric properties of satisfaction scales in telerehabilitation is limited, especially in specific populations such as caregivers of children. Objective: To determine the psychometric properties of a physiotherapy care satisfaction scale using telerehabilitation in caregivers of pediatric patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A total of 155 caregivers were evaluated between June and December 2020. Approximately 91% (141) were women. Evidence of content validity for the scale was obtained through evaluation by three expert judges, who confirmed the adaptation of the University of Washington Telemedicine Patient Satisfaction Survey, in which the word “telemedicine” was replaced with “telerehabilitation” and “physician” with “physical therapist.” Results: For the confirmatory factor analysis, two models were tested. The first one-factor model with nine items did not fit satisfactorily based on the goodness-of-fit indices (χ2/df = 13.96, comparative fit index [CFI] = 0.963, non-normed fit index [NNFI] = 0.951, root mean square error of approximation [RMSEA] = 0.290 [0.265, 0.316], and standardized root mean square residual [SRMR] = 0.178). In contrast, the second one-factor model, which involved respecification of Items 6 and 7, was considered acceptable (χ2/df = 1.60, CFI = 0.998, NNFI = 0.998, RMSEA = 0.062 [0.021, 0.096], and SRMR = 0.057). Reliability was acceptable, with a value of 0.888. Additionally, network analysis confirmed the direct relationship between the items, with Item 7 showing the greatest strength centrality. Conclusion: The instrument demonstrated sufficient evidence of validity and reliability in the Peruvian context, supporting its use with pediatric patients.Item Metadata only Asociación entre la dependencia y la evaluación nutricional, fragilidad y detección de sarcopenia en personas mayores peruanas(Sociedad Chilena de Nutrición Bromatología y Toxilogica, 2024) Fernández Condori, Roxana; Vera Sánchez, Gabriela Mercedes; Durán Agüero, SamuelObjetivo: Asociar la dependencia con valoración nutricional, fragilidad y un screening de Sarcopenia en los personas mayores (PM) peruanas. Material y Métodos: Estudio observacional transversal. Participaron en este estudio PM de ≥ 60 años, pertenecientes al Distrito de Miraflores, Perú. Se obtuvo información sobre diferentes variables: sociodemográficas, valoración geriátrica integral, las relacionadas con evaluación de la composición corporal y análisis bioquímico. Resultados: Participaron 100 PM, de los cuales 67% eran del sexo femenino, el 29% de los participantes presento dependencia leve, ninguno presento dependencia severa. El grupo de personas con dependencia presenta significativamente un mayor puntaje en el screening de sarcopenia (p (p<0,001) y somnolencia diurna (p<0,001). Por el contrario, consumen con menos frecuencia alimentos poco saludables (p=0,047) y tienen un mayor consumo de alimentos saludables (p<0,05). Conclusiones: Las personas mayores con dependencia se asocian con mayor edad, somnolencia diurna, mayor puntaje en riesgo de sarcopenia y un mayor consumo de alimentos saludables en comparación con aquellas que no presentan problemas de dependencia.Item Metadata only The mediating role of healthy behaviors and self-perceived health in the relationship between eating behaviors and comorbidity in adults(BioMed Central Ltd, 2024) Ramos Vera, Cristian; Quispe Callo, Gleni; Basauri Delgado, Miguel; Calizaya Milla, Yaquelin E.; Casas Gálvez, Christian; Gálvez Díaz, Norma del Carmen; Saintila, JacksaintBackground: There is limited information on how healthy behaviors and individual health perceptions mediate the relationship between eating behaviors and noncommunicable diseases in adults. This study aimed to evaluate the mediating role of these factors in the relationship between eating behaviors and comorbidity in U.S. adults. Methods: A cross-sectional predictive study using data from 5,247 adults from the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) 5, cycle 3 (2019) was conducted. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to assess the mediating effect. Results: The model showed good fit (χ2/df = 1.22, CFI = 971, TLI = 959, RMSEA = 0.050, SRMR = 0.036). It was found that self-perceived health totally mediated the relationship between eating behaviors and comorbidities (β = − 0.026, p <.001). Additionally, healthy behaviors and self-perceived health together mediated the relationship between eating behaviors and comorbidities (β = − 0.025, p <.001). A direct relationship was also observed between healthy behaviors and comorbidities, mediated by self-perceived health (β = − 0.103, p <.001). Conclusion: The study concludes that eating behaviors are significantly related to comorbidities through the mediation of healthy behaviors and self-perceived health.Item Metadata only Sex differences in social network addiction and emotional eating among adolescents in a Peruvian region: a cross-sectional analysis(BioMed Central Ltd, 2024) Saintila, Jacksaint; Soriano Moreno, Anderson N.; Basauri Delgado, Miguel; Carranza Cubas, Sandra P.; López Gonzales, Javier Linkolk; Oblitas Guerrero, Susan M.; Calizaya Milla, Yaquelin E.Background: Maladaptive eating behaviors are becoming increasingly prevalent among adolescents, and their relationship to exposure to media messages has been extensively examined. However, more specifically, the influence of social networks on emotional eating (EmE) has received relatively less attention in the Peruvian context. Objective: To determine the association between social network addiction (SNA) and EmE among Peruvian adolescents, considering sex differences. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. A total of 878 adolescents were considered. The Social Network Addiction Questionnaire and the Emotional Eating Questionnaire were administered. Similarly, sociodemographic data were collected. To explore the association between SNA and EmE, we performed Poisson regression analyses with robust variance. We considered a p-value of equal to or less than 0.05 as statistically significant. Results: Adolescents with an EmE score greater than 5 had significantly higher SNA scores, averaging 24.7 (± 12.3), compared to 15.5 (± 10.3) in those with an EmE score between 0 and 5 (p < 0.001). In multiple regression analyses, men with moderate/severe SNA were 1.77 times more likely to have EmE compared to those without SNA (95% CI 1.45–2.15; p < 0.001), while in women, moderate/severe SNA was associated with a 1.98 times higher likelihood of EmE (95% CI 1.61–2.45; p < 0.001). Conclusion: These findings highlight the need for public health interventions to educate adolescents about the use of social networks to minimize the negative effects of prolonged exposure on eating habits.Item Metadata only Relationship between stressors with emotional exhaustion and coping strategies: the mediating role of academic stress symptoms in Peruvian adolescents(Elsevier Ltd, 2024) Ramos Vera, Cristian; Basauri Delgado, Miguel; Calizaya Milla, Yaquelin E.; Saintila, JacksaintThe research was conducted with the aim of evaluating the direct and indirect effects of academic stress symptoms related to academic stressors, emotional exhaustion, and coping strategies in an academic context. The study had a cross-sectional predictive design, composed of 387 adolescents aged 13 to 17 years (M = 15.6, SD = 1.53, 56.8 % female) from different educational institutions in Lima, Peru. The results showed significant effects with a direct trend for each of the variables. In addition, academic stress symptoms had a stronger indirect effect on the relationship of academic stressors with emotional exhaustion (β = 0.392, p < .001), in contrast to the effect of academic stressors with coping strategies (β = 0.083, p < .05). It was also found by multigroup analysis that the proposed model was invariant as a function of sex. Therefore, it is concluded that adolescents who are exposed to greater academic stressors will perceive greater symptoms of academic stress, which in turn intensifies the occurrence of emotional exhaustion and the coping strategies. These results were equivalent in both men and women.Item Metadata only Escala de comunicación suicida: desarrollo y análisis psicométrico en una muestra de adolescentes peruanos(Asociación Española de Psicología Clínica y Psicopatología, 2024) Rodas Vera, Nikolai M.; Sifuentes Sánchez, Magdalena R.; Ramos Vera, Cristian; Basauri Delgado, Miguel ÁngelEl suicidio es un problema de salud pública que afecta a adultos y jóvenes. La comunicación de los pensamientos suicidas contribuye a la prevención del suicidio. El objetivo de la investigación fue construir la Escala de comunicación suicida. Se utilizó una muestra de 308 adolescentes (Medad = 14.6, 53.9% mujeres). El análisis factorial confirmatorio demostró la existencia de tres factores: comunicación suicida verbal, comunicación suicida no verbal y comunicación suicida virtual, con adecuados índices de ajuste (χ2/gl = 2.43, CFI = .926, TLI = .912, SRMR = .074, RMSEA [IC 90%] = .068 [.058, .079]) y adecuada confiabilidad (ω = .72, .70 y .80, para cada dimensión). No se encontraron diferencias en la escala entre hombres y mujeres, siendo su estructura invariante a través del género. Se concluye que el instrumento cuenta con adecuadas propiedades psicométricas que avalan su uso en futuras investigaciones.Item Metadata only El mindfulness y la calidad del sueño en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana(Federación Española de Docentes de Educación Física, 2024) Romero Núñez, Liliana Inés; Dávila Morán, Roberto Carlos; Pareja Pera, Lidia Ysabel; Guanilo Pareja, Carla Giuliana; Guanilo Paredes, Carlos Enrique; Salazar Montenegro, JaimeEste estudio tuvo como objetivo establecer la relación entre mindfulness y la calidad del sueño en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Lima, Perú. Se utilizó un enfoque metodológico cuantitativo con un diseño no experimental y de nivel correlacional. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 133 estudiantes del sexto al octavo ciclo de la carrera de Educación Física. La salud de Sueño se evaluó mediante el Índice de Salud de Sueño de Pittsburgh y la atención plena se midió mediante el Cuestionario de Atención Plena de Cinco Facetas. Los resultados revelaron una correlación negativa, significativa y moderada entre la calidad del sudor y la atención plena, lo que sugiere que un mayor nivel de atención plena se asocia con una mejor calidad del sudor. En concreto, las dimensiones "actuar con conciencia", "ausencia de juicio" y "descripción" mostraron correlaciones negativas significativas con la calidad del sudor. Estos hallazgos indican que los estudiantes con puntuaciones más altas en estas dimensiones de mindfulness experimentan una mejor calidad de sudor. Se concluye que promover prácticas de mindfulness en el entorno universitario podría mejorar la calidad del año académico y el bienestar general de los estudiantes.Item Metadata only Communication and organizational learning in teachers of public educational institutions(Gate Association for Teaching and Education, 2024) Acevedo Lemus, Lupe Lourdes; Rodríguez Saavedra, LilianaThe study focuses on analysing internal communication and organizational learning as current constructs in regular basic education in public educational institutions, establishing the correlation of variables and explaining the level of significance of these interactions in some of their most relevant dimensions. A quantitative approach and correlational design were used for the methodology. The sampling was probabilistic, composed of 172 regular elementary school teachers. The data collection technique was the survey. Spearman's Rho statistic was used to process the information. The conclusion of the study showed that there is a significant inverse relationship between internal communication and organizational learning in the teaching staff, explaining that while internal communication obtained 74.4% of satisfactory mastery, organizational learning reached 7.6% at the high level, which reveals the need and urgency for teachers and managers to innovate strategies to achieve organizational learning, taking as a starting point the high levels of internal communication experienced by the teaching staff in the educational institutions investigated.Item Metadata only Attitude towards students with disabilities and their relationship with school coexistence(Gate Association for Teaching and Education, 2024) Espinoza Euscategui, Betty Miriam; Rodríguez Saavedra, LilianaThis research was carried out in a public educational institution with the purpose of analysing the association that exists between the attitude towards students with disabilities and school coexistence of students from second to fifth grade of primary school. The research is of a fundamental or pure basic type, with a correlational scope. The sample selected was 215 students. The instruments used to collect the information were the Inventory of Attitudes towards People with Disabilities and the evaluation instrument based on indicators of democratic, inclusive, and peaceful school coexistence. The results obtained confirm that there is a significant relationship between attitudes towards people with disabilities and democratic, inclusive, and peaceful school coexistence, demonstrating that students learn to be critical, reflective, fair, free and responsible in order to live together democratically and in a culture of peace. It is concluded that inclusive education starts with a transformation and change of attitude of the educational community, based on the implementation of an inclusive policy, culture and practice.Item Metadata only Enseñanza de competencias investigadoras en educadores, mediada por la tecnología en educación superior: revisión sistemática(Universidade de Vigo. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte, 2024) Chumpitaz Campos, Lucrecia; Lomba Portela, LucíaLas principales y actuales tendencias metodológicas para la enseñanza de las competencias investigadoras de educadores en el nivel de Educación Superior, es el tema que desarrolla el presente artículo. Por ello, se optó por la revisión sistemática para poder buscar y seleccionar información que permita, en primer lugar, tener una visión panorámica de las tendencias metodológicas más importantes desarrolladas en la década del 2011 al 2021. El proceso de búsqueda se llevó a cabo en tres bases de datos: ERIC, Scopus y Web of Science. Luego de aplicar los criterios de elegibilidad, quedaron finalmente 16 artículos de investigación que permitieron hacer el análisis del contenido de estos, a través del software MAXQDA 2022. Entre los principales resultados obtenidos se identifican los componentes de las competencias investigadoras como el manejo del método científico, la competencia tecnológica e informacional, el aspecto ético, entre otros. En lo que respecta a la enseñanza se prioriza la colaboración, la consideración del contexto, la intervención de expertos y de mentores, así como el desarrollo de proyectos que favorezcan el aprender a investigar investigando. Y, en el ámbito tecnológico, destacan el ePortafolio y las herramientas colaborativas.Item Metadata only Use of wearable technologies in health promotion in human medicine students(European Alliance for Innovation, 2024) Curo Yllaconza, Javier Eduardo; Valle Elescano, Renee Amparo; Vilchez Cuevas, Tania Luz; Velásquez Orellana, Mirelly; Tezén Campos, José Hugo; Salazar Montenegro, Jaime; Riquez Livia, Digmer Pablo; Peralta Loayza, Eleazar FidelINTRODUCTION: In the current era marked by rapid technological advances, the integration of wearable devices into everyday life has been a remarkable phenomenon. These devices, ranging from smart watches to physical activity monitors, have gained popularity and have become ubiquitous tools that track various aspects of health and wellness. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the use of wearable technologies in health promotion in Human Medicine students. METHODS: The research is characterized by its cross-sectional and quantitative nature, with a basic and descriptive non-experimental design. The study population consisted of 128 students of Human Medicine at a private university located in Arequipa, Peru. Data collection was carried out through the use of surveys and questionnaires. RESULTS: Regarding the adoption and use of wearable technologies, 35.94% (46) reported a moderate level, 32.81% (42) indicated a high level, while 31.25% (40) indicated a low level. This finding suggests a balanced and non-extreme adoption of wearable technologies among the students examined in the context of health promotion. CONCLUSIONS: We were able to determine a moderate level of adoption and use of wearable technologies among Human Medicine students to promote health and wellness. This result points to the relevance of these technologies in health-related activities, highlighting a particular emphasis on a moderate level of use.Item Metadata only Effects of future consequence consideration, cognitive reappraisal, and self-efficacy in health management on psychological distress in women(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2024) Ramos Vera, Cristian; Basauri Delgado, Miguel; Saintili, JacksaintPsychological distress in women represents a critical aspect; however, few studies have comprehensively addressed how health management strategies, consideration of future consequences (CFC), cognitive reappropriation, and self-efficacy may influence this phenomenon, especially in contexts that require a comprehensive approach to women’s mental health. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of future consequence consideration, cognitive reappraisal, and self-efficacy in health management on psychological distress in American women, as well as to demonstrate their equivalence according to age. Data from 2788 women responding to the 2019 Health Information National Trends Survey 5, cycle 3 were used. A predictive model was considered using structural equation modeling (SEM). Cognitive reappraisal and self-efficacy in health management (SEHM) have a significant mediating effect between CFC and psychological distress. In addition, the invariance of the SEM model was presented as a function of age. The findings underscore the importance of incorporating cognitive components into mental health interventions for women, focusing on modifying thoughts and perceptions about the efficacy of health care to mitigate negative emotions.Item Metadata only Development and validation of the binge eating disorder scale (BEDS)(Sociedad Española de Dietética, 2024) Arauco Lozada, Tania; Yupanqui Lorenzo, Daniel E.; Ottiniano Málaga, TatianaObjective: Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is one of the most frequent eating disorders presentations. The primary symptom is recurrent episodes of binge eating, characterized by a large amount of food in a short period and a sense of losing control over eating. BED could contribute to the development of obesity and its complications. The study aimed to design and validate a scale to identify risk behaviors for BED. Methods: An instrumental design was used to describe the development and initial validation of the new brief scale, BEDS. Participants were 345 adults who completed the self-report questions and reported BED episodes in the past three months. Results: The BEDS was initially composed of 10 items to ended up with 6 items due to analysis and exploratory factor analysis (EFA). In the analysis process, 3 models were explored within which a unidimensional model with 6 items was maintained. Likewise, reliability was adequate (α = 0.922; ω = 0.924). On the other hand, it was proved that the instrument correctly assesses binge eating behavior when comparing groups, where it was obtained that those who had identified episodes of binge eating in their life maintained higher averages in the test than those who did not present this problem. Similarly, there were more episodes in women than in men, and in those who presented burnout. Conclusion: BEDS demonstrated adequate psychometric properties and is useful for future research.Item Metadata only Network analysis of anxiety and depressive symptoms during the COVID‑19 pandemic in older adults in the United Kingdom(Nature Research, 2024) Ramos Vera, Cristian; Basauri Delgado, Miguel; Saintila, Jacksaint; García O’Diana, Angel; Calizaya-Milla, Yaquelin E.The health crisis caused by COVID-19 in the United Kingdom and the confinement measures that were subsequently implemented had unprecedented effects on the mental health of older adults, leading to the emergence and exacerbation of different comorbid symptoms including depression and anxiety. This study examined and compared depression and anxiety symptom networks in two specific quarantine periods (June–July and November–December) in the older adult population in the United Kingdom. We used the database of the English Longitudinal Study of Aging COVID-19 Substudy, consisting of 5797 participants in the first stage (54% women) and 6512 participants in the second stage (56% women), all over 50 years of age. The symptoms with the highest centrality in both times were: “Nervousness (A1)” and “Inability to relax (A4)” in expected influence and predictability, and “depressed mood (D1”; bridging expected influence). The latter measure along with "Irritability (A6)" overlapped in both depression and anxiety clusters in both networks. In addition, a the cross-lagged panel network model was examined in which a more significant influence on the direction of the symptom "Nervousness (A1)" by the depressive symptoms of "Anhedonia (D6)", "Hopelessness (D7)", and "Sleep problems (D3)" was observed; the latter measure has the highest predictive capability of the network. The results report which symptoms had a higher degree of centrality and transdiagnostic overlap in the cross-sectional networks (invariants) and the cross-lagged panel network model of anxious and depressive symptomatology.Item Metadata only Stress factors and food purchase prioritization during the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019(Elsevier Ltd, 2024) Quezada Acuña, Laura; Durán Agüero, Samuel; Pérez Ocampo, Luisa; Ríos Castillo, Israel; Ramos de Ixtacuy, Mónica; Nessier, María Celeste; Parra Soto, Solange; Morejón Terán, Yadira; Becerra Granados, Luis Miguel; Prada-Gómez, Gloria; Fernández Condori, Roxana Carla; Guerrero Gómez, Ana; González, Laura; Nava-González, Edna J.; Moya-Osorio, José LuisBackground: The pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic confinement has an impact on stress levels, which causes changes in food purchase and consumption behaviors. The objective of this study is to associate food purchase prioritization with stress level during the COVID-19 pandemic confinement. Methods: Multicenter, observational and cross-sectional study, an online questionnaire that included data on sociodemographic variables, stress factors and food purchase prioritization was disseminated through digital platforms and social networks. Results: A number of 6357 participants were included, of whom 83.6% were female, 56.3% were from the middle socioeconomic level, 71.2% had completed higher education and 78.3% had a job. At greater stress levels it was observed a higher prioritization of canned foods (Odds ratio (OR): 1.91, 95% CI: 1.56; 2.34), sweets (OR: 1.58, 95% CI: 1.06; 2.34) and flours (OR: 1.45, 95% CI: 1.25; 1.68). While lower stress levels are associated with nuts (OR: 0.75, 95% CI: 0.66; 0.85), vegetables (OR: 0.82, 95% CI: 0.72; 0.94), and fruits (OR: 0.90, 95% CI: 0.80; 1.01), after adjusting for confounders. Conclusions: There is an association between food purchase prioritization and stress level during the COVID-19 confinement. At greater stress levels, individuals purchase more food, both healthy and unhealthy. The later may have a negative impact on people's health, leading to or further aggravating malnutrition by excess and nutrition-related noncommunicable diseases. © 2024 European Society for Clinical Nutrition and MetabolismItem Metadata only Semillas de arte: una intervención comunitaria basada en los principios de terapia de artes expresivas desarrollada con mujeres migrantes(Universidad Complutense Madrid, 2024) Quezada Zevallos, Jenny Zarela; Gonzales Cueva, ValeriaEste artículo describe una intervención comunitaria basada en los principios de la terapia de artes expresivas, desarrollada con un grupo de mujeres migrantes en situación de pobreza en Lima Perú, realizada en dos fases y un posterior seguimiento. El proyecto surgió a través de la coordinación entre la ONG “The Light and Leadership Initiative” y TAE Perú. Se informa desde un enfoque cualitativo, el método fue de observación participante y las técnicas utilizadas fueron: observación, entrevista y toma de notas de campo. Las principales conclusiones de la intervención comunitaria apuntan a un efecto dinamizador y cuestionador en la autopercepción de las participantes con relación a sus habilidades y recursos y a su rol en la familia.Item Metadata only Asociación de dependencia con valoración nutricional, fragilidad y sarcopenia en el adultos mayores peruanos(Archivos Latinoamericanos Nutrición, 2023) Condori Fernández, Roxana CarlaEn el Perú existen 4 millones 140 mil adultos mayores de 60 y más años de edad que representan el 12,7% de la población total al año 2020. Objetivo: asociar de dependencia con valoración nutricional, fragilidad y sarcopenia en los adultos mayores peruanos. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional transversal. Participaron en este estudio AM de ≥ 60 años, pertenecientes al Distrito de Miraflores, Perú. Se aplicaron encuestas para determinar valoración geriátrica integral, análisis de composición corporal y bioquímico. Resultados: Participaron 100 AM, de los cuales 67% eran del sexo femenino, el 29% de los participantes presento dependencia leve, ninguno con dependencia severa. El grupo de personas con dependencia muestra mayor puntaje en sarcopenia (p<0,001) y somnolencia diurna (p<0,001), por el contrario, comen menos alimentos poco saludables (p=0,047). Respecto a los alimentos y preparaciones saludables y no saludables, las principales diferencias se presentan que los sujetos con dependencia, la frecuencia de consumo de desayuno y el consumo de agua es menor al compararlos con el otro grupo que no tiene dependencia (p<0,001). En tanto se halló que, tener menos de 70 años y presentar ingesta de alimentos saludables, menor sarcopenia y menor insomnio se asocian a menor presencia de dependencia. Conclusiones: Los AM con dependencia en nuestro estudio se asocian con mayor edad, somnolencia diurna y sarcopenia, pero consumen menos alimentos no saludables que los AM que no presentan problemas de dependencia.Item Metadata only Comparison of collinearity indices for linear models in agricultural trials(Science Publications, 2024) Rivas Villegas, Danny; Rivero Alzamora, Cristina; Carrera Osorio, César; Calderón Ramírez, Luis; Rojas Correa, Liliana; Narrea Cáceres; Sánchez Palacios, José; Del Carpio Franco, Carlos; Vásquez Grados, Martín; Salinas Cruz, Luis; Rojas Ponce, Karin; Figueroa Rodríguez, José Jorge; Quipas Bellizza, Mariella MargotThe deleterious consequences of collinearity in linear regression on the precision of estimators of regression coefficients and the interpretability of the fitted model are widely recognized. In this study, we compare several methodologies for assessing collinearity in linear models and explore the effect of outliers on collinearity. The robustness of collinearity measures (individual and overall) is validated through two detailed Monte Carlo simulation study which also considers the effect of outliers on collinearity indices. The methods are illustrated with two real-world agricultural and fish morphology l data sets to show potential applications. The results do not provide any evidence for an effect from outliers on collinearity identification using the collinearity indices (individual and overall). The FG and Fj collinearity indices more robust as both sample size and collinearity degree increase. The VIF (individual measure) had a better performance on the fitted model with a greater number of parameters. © 2024, Science Publications. All rights reserved.Item Metadata only A network analysis approach to understanding centrality and overlap of 21 dark triad items in adults of 10 countries(Dove Medical Press Ltd, 2024) Ramos Vera, Cristian; Basauri Delgado, Miguel Ángel; Lima Costa, Ariela Raissa; Calizaya Milla, Yaqueline; O’diana García, Angel; Calle, Dennis; Bonfá Araujo, Bruno; Duradoni, Mirko; Nasir, Shagufta; Saintila, JacksaintBackground: Previous research has suggested that manipulation and callousness are central to Dark Triad traits, but it has not identified which specific manifestations are expressed across various countries. Objective: This study aimed to identify the core and overlapping manifestations of Dark Triad traits across 10 countries. Methods: We used the Short Dark Triad (SD3) scale and assessed a sample of 8093 participants (59.7% women, M(age) = 32.68 years). For graphical representation, the spinglass algorithm was applied to understand the cluster distribution among Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and subclinical narcissism traits. Centrality indices were used to identify the most influential items, and the clique-percolation algorithm was employed to detect shared attributes among multiple Dark Triad items. Results: Straightforward SD3-21 items demonstrated better interpretability as aversive traits within the broader system. Items with higher centrality values were those related to short-term verbal manipulation from the psychopathy domain, clever manipulation, strategic revenge-seeking from Machiavellianism, and narcissistic motivations for connecting with significant individuals. The most predicted items were linked to planned revenge, using information against others from Machiavellianism, short-term psychopathic verbal manipulation, and narcissistic belief of specialness based on external validation. Items like short-term verbal manipulation had overlaps with both psychopathy and narcissism clusters, while clever manipulation overlapped with Machiavellianism and psychopathy. Conclusion: This cross-cultural study highlights the central role of verbal manipulation within the Dark Triad traits, along with identifying overlapping items among traits measured using straightforward SD3 scale items. In line with our findings, future research that incorporates a wide range of cultural contexts is encouraged to establish the consistency of these findings with the SD3 Scale or alternative measures. © 2024 Ramos-Vera et al.