Repercusión de un programa frente a las dimensiones del desarrollo (motor, cognoscitivo, lenguaje, socioemocional y esfuerzo propio) del infante en su primer año de vida en relación al apego seguro
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
En las conductas de crianza ejercidas por las madres de nuestro país, se encuentran presentes diversos factores culturales, sociales y personales que dificultan el desarrollo óptimo del infante. En esta investigación se busca determinar la efectividad de un programa dirigido a madres de poblaciones vulnerables orientado a fomentar un vínculo de apego seguro, que favorezca al desarrollo socioemocional y cognitivo del infante en su primer año de vida. Se espera neutralizar o minimizar el impacto de las conductas inadecuadas detectadas en la población intervenida, permitiendo los ajustes necesarios y la integración eficiente más no invasiva en sus creencias. Si bien es cierto que no se puede considerar la muestra como paradigmática por el tamaño de la misma, ya que contó con 19 participantes, se observan resultados alentadores. Los hijos de las madres participantes del programa mostraron mejores resultados, tanto en las dimensiones de desarrollo del infante como en el vínculo de apego.
There are several cultural, social and personal elements in our country that influence parental behavior and therefore, unables the best development of the infant. This investigation wants to determine the effectiveness of a program directed to mothers of vulnerable populations, that encourages a secure attachment bond, in able to improve the social-emotional and cognitive development of the infant in its first year of life. Therefore, it seeks to minimize or neutralize the impact of inappropriate parental behaviors, detected in the target population, by making the necessary adjustments and integrating the information granted to their own beliefs, in an efficiently and non-invasive way. Even though it is not possible to consider the sample like paradigmatic due to its size, 19 participants, encouraging results are observed. Infants from mothers taking part of the program, show better results in both development dimensions and attachment behaviors.
There are several cultural, social and personal elements in our country that influence parental behavior and therefore, unables the best development of the infant. This investigation wants to determine the effectiveness of a program directed to mothers of vulnerable populations, that encourages a secure attachment bond, in able to improve the social-emotional and cognitive development of the infant in its first year of life. Therefore, it seeks to minimize or neutralize the impact of inappropriate parental behaviors, detected in the target population, by making the necessary adjustments and integrating the information granted to their own beliefs, in an efficiently and non-invasive way. Even though it is not possible to consider the sample like paradigmatic due to its size, 19 participants, encouraging results are observed. Infants from mothers taking part of the program, show better results in both development dimensions and attachment behaviors.
Apego (Psicología), Desarrollo infantil, Cuidadores, Psicología--Tesis