Cumplimiento de la NTP-ISO 21001 para implementar un sistema de gestión en una organización educativa
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar el nivel de cumplimiento de los
requisitos de la NTP-ISO 21001:2018 para implementar un sistema de gestión en
una Facultad de pregrado. El enfoque es cuantitativo, de nivel descriptivo, de tipo
aplicada, con un diseño no experimental y transversal. Las técnicas aplicadas fueron
el análisis documentario y la entrevista. El instrumento fue una lista de verificación
que recoge los requisitos a cumplir de los 7 capítulos de la NTP-ISO 21001 para
implementar un sistema de gestión. La lista de verificación fue elaborada por la
investigadora y validada por juicio de expertos, especialistas en sistemas de gestión
y con experiencia en educación. La población fue una Universidad Privada de Lima
y la muestra una Facultad. Resultados: La Facultad tuvo un nivel medio de
cumplimiento de la NTP-ISO 21001.
The purpose of this research was determining the fulfillment level of the requirements of NTP-ISO 21001:2018 for implementing a management system in a faculty. It has a quantitative focus, a descriptive level, and an applicated type with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. The techniques used were documentary analysis and interviews. The instrument was a checklist based on the requirements of the seven chapters of the NTP-ISO 21001 standard, and that must be accomplished for implementing a management system. The checklist was validated by a group of management systems experts with experience in the educational field. The population was a Private University of Lima, and the sample was a faculty from it. Result: The Faculty obtained a medium level of fulfillment of the NTP-ISO 21001 standard.
The purpose of this research was determining the fulfillment level of the requirements of NTP-ISO 21001:2018 for implementing a management system in a faculty. It has a quantitative focus, a descriptive level, and an applicated type with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. The techniques used were documentary analysis and interviews. The instrument was a checklist based on the requirements of the seven chapters of the NTP-ISO 21001 standard, and that must be accomplished for implementing a management system. The checklist was validated by a group of management systems experts with experience in the educational field. The population was a Private University of Lima, and the sample was a faculty from it. Result: The Faculty obtained a medium level of fulfillment of the NTP-ISO 21001 standard.
Palabras clave
Educación--Tesis, Sistema de información de gestión, Management information systems