Centro de capacitación laboral para personas con discapacidad visual en Villa el Salvador
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
El tema de las personas con discapacidad, es algo que ya puede dejar de verse como impedimento de superación, todas las personas sin distinción merecen y necesitan de un trabajo digno y seguro, que les permita cubrir sus necesidades, no solo económicas sino también de superación personal. Ahora refiriéndonos a las personas con discapacidad visual, podríamos decir que son de las que pueden llegar a tener más complicaciones ya que por el hecho de no poder ver, se vuelven dependientes de una persona u objeto, lo que llega a dificultar más su inserción laboral. Hace falta instituciones con una infraestructura previamente estudiada, capaz de lograr independencia y ejercitación de sentidos en el usuario, para de esta forma poder capacitarlas y poco a poco lograr su reinserción en la sociedad, en este caso por medio del trabajo. Con esta investigación se busca conocer las características necesarias que requiere un Centro de Capacitación Laboral para personas con discapacidad visual, para aplicarlo de forma correcta en el diseño arquitectónico y de esta manera contribuir a la integración social, personal y profesional de dichas personas, en el distrito de Villa El Salvador.
The issue of people with disabilities, is something that can no longer be seen as an impediment to overcoming, all people without distinction deserve and need a decent and safe work, which allows them to meet their needs, not only economic but also of overcoming personal. Now referring to people with visual impairment, we could say that they are the ones that can have more complications because, because they cannot see, they become dependent on a person or object, which makes their job placement more difficult. It is necessary institutions with a previously studied infrastructure, capable of achieving independence and exercise of senses in the user, in order to be able to train them and gradually achieve their reintegration into society through work. This research seeks to know the necessary characteristics that a Job Training Center requires for people with visual disabilities, to apply it correctly in the architectural design and thus contribute to the social, personal and professional integration of these people, in the Villa El Salvador district
The issue of people with disabilities, is something that can no longer be seen as an impediment to overcoming, all people without distinction deserve and need a decent and safe work, which allows them to meet their needs, not only economic but also of overcoming personal. Now referring to people with visual impairment, we could say that they are the ones that can have more complications because, because they cannot see, they become dependent on a person or object, which makes their job placement more difficult. It is necessary institutions with a previously studied infrastructure, capable of achieving independence and exercise of senses in the user, in order to be able to train them and gradually achieve their reintegration into society through work. This research seeks to know the necessary characteristics that a Job Training Center requires for people with visual disabilities, to apply it correctly in the architectural design and thus contribute to the social, personal and professional integration of these people, in the Villa El Salvador district
Centro de capacitación y rehabilitación, Personas con discapacidad, Diseño arquitectónico, Arquitectura--Tesis