La competencia parental percibida y el autoconcepto en alumnos del quinto y sexto grado
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
Este estudio busca reconocer la relación de la competencia parental percibida y el autoconcepto en los alumnos del quinto y sexto grado. El objetivo es determinar la relación de las dimensiones de la competencia parental percibida (ECCP-h): implicancia parental (IP), resolución de conflictos (RC), consistencia disciplinar (CD), deseabilidad social (DS) y las dimensiones del autoconcepto (A): autoconcepto conductual (AC), intelectual (AI), físico (AF), falta de ansiedad (FA), social (AS), felicidad -satisfacción (FS), de los alumnos del quinto y sexto grado de la institución educativa del distrito de Chosica. El estudio es de nivel descriptivo, tipo básico, sustantivo, y diseño de investigación: correlacional. Los participantes son 100 estudiantes de quinto y sexto grado de primaria. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: ECPP -h (Bayot, 2008), escala de Competencia Parental Percibida – versión hijos/as y escala de Autoconcepto para niños de Piers – Harris (Piers – Harris,1969). La CD y las dimensiones del autoconcepto AS y FS, no se relacionan significativamente. También, la DS y las dimensiones AC, AI, AF, FA y AS, no tienen una relación significativa. Si existe una correlación entre las dimensiones de la ECCP-h y las dimensiones del Autoconcepto.
This study seeks to recognize the relationship between perceived parental competence and self-concept in fifth and sixth grade students. The objective is to determine the relationship between the dimensions of perceived parental competence (ECCP-h): parental involvement (PI), conflict resolution (CR), disciplinary consistency (CD), social desirability (SD) and the dimensions of selfconcept (A): behavioral self-concept (AC), intellectual self-concept (AI), physical self-concept (AF), lack of anxiety (FA), social self-concept (AS), happinesssatisfaction (FS), of fifth and sixth grade students of the educational institution of the district of Chosica. The study is of descriptive level, basic, substantive type, and research design: correlational. The participants are 100 students of fifth and sixth grade of primary school. The instruments used were: ECPP -h (Bayot, 2008), Perceived Parental Competence Scale - children's version and Piers - Harris Self-Concept Scale for Children (Piers - Harris, 1969). The CD and the self-concept dimensions AS and FS were not significantly related. Also, SD and the dimensions AC, AI, AF, FA and AS do not have a significant relationship. There is a correlation between the dimensions of the ECCP-h and the dimensions of the self-concept.
This study seeks to recognize the relationship between perceived parental competence and self-concept in fifth and sixth grade students. The objective is to determine the relationship between the dimensions of perceived parental competence (ECCP-h): parental involvement (PI), conflict resolution (CR), disciplinary consistency (CD), social desirability (SD) and the dimensions of selfconcept (A): behavioral self-concept (AC), intellectual self-concept (AI), physical self-concept (AF), lack of anxiety (FA), social self-concept (AS), happinesssatisfaction (FS), of fifth and sixth grade students of the educational institution of the district of Chosica. The study is of descriptive level, basic, substantive type, and research design: correlational. The participants are 100 students of fifth and sixth grade of primary school. The instruments used were: ECPP -h (Bayot, 2008), Perceived Parental Competence Scale - children's version and Piers - Harris Self-Concept Scale for Children (Piers - Harris, 1969). The CD and the self-concept dimensions AS and FS were not significantly related. Also, SD and the dimensions AC, AI, AF, FA and AS do not have a significant relationship. There is a correlation between the dimensions of the ECCP-h and the dimensions of the self-concept.
Psicología--Tesis, Relación padres-hijos, Autoconcepto, Parent child relationship, Self-perception