Estrategias creativas para el desarrollo de competencias investigativas en estudiantes de maestría de una universidad privada
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
La presente investigación tiene como propósito analizar la influencia de un
programa de estrategias creativas en el desarrollo de competencias
investigativas de los estudiantes de maestría en educación en una Escuela de
Posgrado de una universidad privada de Lima.
La muestra estuvo conformada por 24 estudiantes de maestría del ciclo III. El
enfoque es cuantitativo con diseño pre experimental, en el que se utilizaron dos
instrumentos de evaluación: El cuestionario de competencias investigativas
para evaluar la variable dependiente y el test de creatividad EMUC (Evaluación
Multifactorial de la creatividad) para evaluar la creatividad como variable
El estudio concluye que el programa de estrategias creativas afecta
significativamente el desarrollo de las competencias investigativas en sus tres
dimensiones: conceptual, procedimental y actitudinal. Asimismo, se corroboró
que no hubo diferencias significativas respecto de la influencia del programa en
el desarrollo de las competencias investigativas por parte de las variables
intervinientes como sexo, conocimiento previo, experiencia en haber realizado
investigaciones, carrera profesional de procedencia y creatividad
The present investigation has a purpose to analyze the influence of a program of creative strategies in the development of investigative competences of Master students in education in a postgraduate school of a private university in Lima. The sample was conformed to 24 Master students of 3rd cycle. The focus is quantitative with a pre experimental design, in which two instruments of investigation were used: The investigative competences questionnaire to evaluate the dependent variable and the creativity test EMUC (Evaluación Multifactorial de la creatividad) to evaluate creativity as an intervening variable. The study concludes that the creativity strategies program affects significantly the development of investigative competences in their three dimensions: conceptual, procedural and attitudinal. Likewise, it was corroborated that there were not significative competences about the program’s influence in the development of the investigative competences by intervening variables such us sex, prior knowledge, experience in having done researches, professional career of procedence and creativity
The present investigation has a purpose to analyze the influence of a program of creative strategies in the development of investigative competences of Master students in education in a postgraduate school of a private university in Lima. The sample was conformed to 24 Master students of 3rd cycle. The focus is quantitative with a pre experimental design, in which two instruments of investigation were used: The investigative competences questionnaire to evaluate the dependent variable and the creativity test EMUC (Evaluación Multifactorial de la creatividad) to evaluate creativity as an intervening variable. The study concludes that the creativity strategies program affects significantly the development of investigative competences in their three dimensions: conceptual, procedural and attitudinal. Likewise, it was corroborated that there were not significative competences about the program’s influence in the development of the investigative competences by intervening variables such us sex, prior knowledge, experience in having done researches, professional career of procedence and creativity
Research training, University students, Formación de investigadores, Estudiante universitario, Educación--Tesis