Apertura de la economía y su influencia en el desarrollo del Comercio Exterior Peruano - Período 2005 - 2014
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
La globalización es un proceso histórico que marcó la economía del Perú a partir del año 1990. La globalización es un fenómeno que viene generando mayor interdependencia económica y comercial entre los países del mundo. El Perú no es ajeno a este fenómeno y a partir de la década del 90 experimenta un crecimiento de su comercio internacional gracias a la política de apertura de la economía. Esta investigación demuestra que en el período de estudio 2005-2014, el Perú alcanzó un grado de apertura comercial promedio del 43%, que si bien a incrementado las exportaciones, no se ha logrado un desarrollo comercial externo significativo, puesto que la estructura exportadora continua mostrando que el 70% está constituida por exportaciones tradicionales, con predominio de productos del sector minero; el 30% son exportaciones no tradicionales, donde se observa un incremento importante de productos del sector agropecuario, dado una mayor demanda en el mercado global. Asimismo, se demuestra la importancia de mantener una balanza comercial superavitaria con el fin de apoyar un saldo positivo en la Balanza de Pagos en cuenta corriente, dada la debilidad de la balanza de servicios y renta de factores.
Globalization is a historical process that marked the economy of Peru since 1990. It was from this time that the country takes as policy trade liberalization of the Peruvian economy and a significant growth in exports and imports is produced which has reflected in the GDP growth and proverty reduction .Globalization is a phenomenon that has generated greater economic and commercial interdependence among countries. Peru is no stranger to this phenomenon and it was after 1990 that the country experienced a growth of international trade thanks to the policy of trade liberalization. This research shows that in the studied period (2005-2014), Peru reached of 43% degrees of openness. Even though this openness degree shows an increase of export, it has not achieved significant foreign trade development since the export structure continues to show that 70% is made up of traditional exports, dominated by mining products; 30% are non-traditional exports, where a significant growth in the agricultural sector, is observed due to the increased demand in the global market. Likewise, the importance of maintaining a positive trade balance in order to support a positive balance of current account payments shows the weakness of the balance of services and factor income.
Globalization is a historical process that marked the economy of Peru since 1990. It was from this time that the country takes as policy trade liberalization of the Peruvian economy and a significant growth in exports and imports is produced which has reflected in the GDP growth and proverty reduction .Globalization is a phenomenon that has generated greater economic and commercial interdependence among countries. Peru is no stranger to this phenomenon and it was after 1990 that the country experienced a growth of international trade thanks to the policy of trade liberalization. This research shows that in the studied period (2005-2014), Peru reached of 43% degrees of openness. Even though this openness degree shows an increase of export, it has not achieved significant foreign trade development since the export structure continues to show that 70% is made up of traditional exports, dominated by mining products; 30% are non-traditional exports, where a significant growth in the agricultural sector, is observed due to the increased demand in the global market. Likewise, the importance of maintaining a positive trade balance in order to support a positive balance of current account payments shows the weakness of the balance of services and factor income.
Desarrollo económico, Comercio exterior, Perú, Negocios internacionales--Tesis