Competencias digitales y desarrollo de estrategias de aprendizaje en estudiantes de una universidad en Lima
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar si las competencias digitales y las estrategias de aprendizaje se relacionan entre los estudiantes universitarios. En la medida de que es una investigación de enfoque cuantitativo, el diseño utilizado es no experimental de nivel correlacional y transversal. La
muestra de tipo probabilística estuvo integrada por 86 estudiantes que cursan la especialidad de Arte de una Universidad estatal de Lima, a quienes se les administro los siguientes instrumentos: el inventario de competencias digitales de Mengual (2011) y el MSLQ (Cuestionario multifactorial de estrategias de
aprendizaje y motivación) de Pintrich y García (2004). Los resultados obtenidos a través de la utilización del estadístico no paramétrico Rho de Spearman, informan de la existencia de relaciones entre las competencias digitales y las estrategias de aprendizaje (r = 0.228). También se encuentran relaciones entre algunas dimensiones de las competencias digitales y las estrategias de aprendizaje, aunque no son amplias ni elevadas. Estos resultados dejan establecida la necesidad de seguir desarrollando un mayor número de investigaciones sobre estos temas.
The aim of the present research was to determine whether digital competencies and learning strategies are related among university students. To the extent that it is a quantitative approach research, the design used is non-experimental at a correlational and cross-sectional level. The probabilistic sample was composed of 86 students who study the specialty of Art of a State University of Lima, who were administered the following instruments: the inventory of digital competences of Mengual (2011) and the MSLQ (Multifactorial questionnaire of learning strategies and motivation) of Pintrich and García (2004). The results obtained through the use of Spearman's nonparametric Rho statistic, report the existence of relationships between digital skills and learning strategies (r = 0. 228). There are also relationships between some dimensions of digital skills and learning strategies although they are not broad or high. These results establish the need to continue developing a greater amount of research on these topics.
The aim of the present research was to determine whether digital competencies and learning strategies are related among university students. To the extent that it is a quantitative approach research, the design used is non-experimental at a correlational and cross-sectional level. The probabilistic sample was composed of 86 students who study the specialty of Art of a State University of Lima, who were administered the following instruments: the inventory of digital competences of Mengual (2011) and the MSLQ (Multifactorial questionnaire of learning strategies and motivation) of Pintrich and García (2004). The results obtained through the use of Spearman's nonparametric Rho statistic, report the existence of relationships between digital skills and learning strategies (r = 0. 228). There are also relationships between some dimensions of digital skills and learning strategies although they are not broad or high. These results establish the need to continue developing a greater amount of research on these topics.
Palabras clave
Educación--Tesis, Competencia digital, Aprendizaje, Estudiante universitario