Efecto del programa armonía sobre rendimiento y estrés académico en estudiantes de educación superior de Lima
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
La presente investigación buscó evaluar el efecto del programa Armonía,
basado en mindfulness, sobre el rendimiento académico y el estrés académico
en estudiantes de una institución de educación superior en Lima, a través de 8
sesiones de 1 hora y 30 minutos aproximadamente, durante 8 semanas. Se
recurrió al diseño cuasiexperimental con pre y postest, a fin de formar un grupo
experimental y un grupo control, ambos con 25 participantes asignados
aleatoriamente, quienes poseían una media de 19.82 años. Para la medición
del estrés se utilizó el Inventario SISCO SV-21 y para el rendimiento académico
se utilizaron las actas de notas de los parciales primero y segundo,
completadas por los docentes. Se halló que existen efectos estadísticamente
significativos a favor de la disminución del estrés en general explicados por el
programa con un tamaño del efecto grande (d = 1.18; p < .01), así como para
sus dimensiones estresores (d = 1.39; p < .01), síntomas (d = 2.88; p < .01) y
estrategias de afrontamiento (d = -3.16; p < .01); igualmente, se determinó que
existen efectos estadísticamente significativos a favor del aumento del
rendimiento académico global explicados por el programa con un tamaño del
efecto mediano (d = -0.42; p = .04). Se concluye que existen evidencias
suficientes para determinar la efectividad del programa en la reducción del
estrés; sin embargo, a pesar de poseer cierto efecto en el rendimiento
académico de forma general, se necesita más investigación para determinar su
influencia sobre esta variable y sus componentes.
The present research sought to evaluate the effect of the Harmony program, based on mindfulness, on academic performance and academic stress in students of a higher education institution in Lima, through 8 sessions of approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, for 8 weeks. The quasi-experimental design with pre and post-test was used, in order to form an experimental group and a control group, both with 25 randomly assigned participants, who had a mean of 19.82 years. For the measurement of stress, the SISCO SV-21 Inventory was used and for academic performance the transcripts of the first and second partial exams were used, completed by the teachers. It was found that there are statistically significant effects in favor of the reduction of stress in general explained by the program with a large effect size (d = 1.18; p <.01), as well as for its stressor dimensions (d = 1.39; p < .01), symptoms (d = 2.88; p <.01) and coping strategies (d = -3.16; p <.01); likewise, it was determined that there are statistically significant effects in favor of the increase in global academic performance explained by the program with a medium effect size (d = -0.42; p = .04). It is concluded that there is sufficient evidence to determine the effectiveness of the program in reducing stress; however, despite having a certain effect on academic performance in general, more research is needed to determine its influence on this variable and its components.
The present research sought to evaluate the effect of the Harmony program, based on mindfulness, on academic performance and academic stress in students of a higher education institution in Lima, through 8 sessions of approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, for 8 weeks. The quasi-experimental design with pre and post-test was used, in order to form an experimental group and a control group, both with 25 randomly assigned participants, who had a mean of 19.82 years. For the measurement of stress, the SISCO SV-21 Inventory was used and for academic performance the transcripts of the first and second partial exams were used, completed by the teachers. It was found that there are statistically significant effects in favor of the reduction of stress in general explained by the program with a large effect size (d = 1.18; p <.01), as well as for its stressor dimensions (d = 1.39; p < .01), symptoms (d = 2.88; p <.01) and coping strategies (d = -3.16; p <.01); likewise, it was determined that there are statistically significant effects in favor of the increase in global academic performance explained by the program with a medium effect size (d = -0.42; p = .04). It is concluded that there is sufficient evidence to determine the effectiveness of the program in reducing stress; however, despite having a certain effect on academic performance in general, more research is needed to determine its influence on this variable and its components.
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, Academic achievement, Mental stress, Educación--Tesis, Terapia de atención plena, Rendimiento académico, Estrés mental