Dependencia emocional y funcionalidad familiar en estudiantes de Lima y Huancayo
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
En la actualidad las relaciones afectivas conforman uno de los temas fundamentales en los jóvenes. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo establecer la relación entre la dependencia emocional y la funcionalidad familiar en estudiantes de Lima y Huancayo. Para el estudio se planteó un diseño cuantitativo correlacional en el que se evaluaron un total de 300 mujeres cursando estudios superiores. Se utilizaron las siguientes escalas: dependencia emocional de Anicama (2013) y la escala de percepción de funcionamiento familiar respectivamente. Los resultados muestran que existe relación negativa y estadísticamente significativa entre la Dependencia Emocional y la funcionalidad familiar. Además en el análisis descriptivo se encontró un predominio de disfuncionalidad familiar leve (57%), mientras que en Dependencia Emocional predominó un nivel de estabilidad emocional (41%). Los Hallazgos permiten concluir que el nivel de funcionalidad familiar guarda una relación inversamente proporcional al nivel de dependencia emocional en estudiantes de Lima y Huancayo.
At present, affective relationships make up one of the fundamental themes in young people. The objective of this study was to establish the relationship between emotional dependence and family functionality in university students in Lima and the Province. For the study, a correlational quantitative design was proposed in which a total of 300 women studying higher education were evaluated. The emotional dependence scale of Anicama (2013) and the perception family functionality scale were used to assess emotional dependence and family functionality, respectively. The results show that there is a negative and statistically significant relationship between Emotional Dependency and Family Functionality. In addition, in the descriptive analysis a predominance of mild family dysfunction was found (57%), while in Emotional Dependence a level of emotional stability prevailed (41%). The findings allow us to conclude that the level of family functionality is inversely proportional to the level of emotional dependence in university students in Lima and Province.
At present, affective relationships make up one of the fundamental themes in young people. The objective of this study was to establish the relationship between emotional dependence and family functionality in university students in Lima and the Province. For the study, a correlational quantitative design was proposed in which a total of 300 women studying higher education were evaluated. The emotional dependence scale of Anicama (2013) and the perception family functionality scale were used to assess emotional dependence and family functionality, respectively. The results show that there is a negative and statistically significant relationship between Emotional Dependency and Family Functionality. In addition, in the descriptive analysis a predominance of mild family dysfunction was found (57%), while in Emotional Dependence a level of emotional stability prevailed (41%). The findings allow us to conclude that the level of family functionality is inversely proportional to the level of emotional dependence in university students in Lima and Province.
Palabras clave
Dependencia (Psicología), Relaciones familiares, Estudiante universitario, Psicología--Tesis