Programación neurolinguística y su percepción docente para la enseñanza del inglés en colegios con bachillerato internacional
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
La presente investigación se llevó a cabo en seis instituciones educativas con bachillerato internación (IB) bajo la siguiente distribución: tres instituciones IB públicas de Lima y tres instituciones educativas IB privadas de provincia. Esta tuvo como propósito comparar la aplicación de las estrategias del enfoque de programación neurolingüística y su percepción docente para la enseñanza del idioma inglés entre los profesores de colegios públicos con bachillerato internacional de Lima y los profesores de colegios privados con bachillerato internacional de provincia. La investigación es de tipo sustantivo, de nivel descriptivo, con diseño descriptivo-comparativo. La muestra fue de 151 docentes. Los instrumentos utilizados para recoger la información fueron el Cuestionario de Programación neurolingüística del Dr. Pishghadamen, Reza (2011) y el Cuestionario sobre la percepción de la Programación neurolingüística del Dr. Muhammad Keeshata (2019).Los resultados obtenidos confirman que los docentes de colegios públicos con bachillerato internacional de Lima y los docentes de colegios privados con bachillerato internacional de Cuzco, Cajamarca y Trujillo no muestran diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto al nivel de aplicación de las estrategias del enfoque de programación neurolingüística y su percepción docente para la enseñanza del idioma inglés. Es decir, ambos grupos estudiados experimentan el mismo nivel de aplicación de las estrategias del enfoque de programación neurolingüística y su percepción docente para la enseñanza del idioma inglés. Por ende, ambos grupos de docentes ejercen el pilar base del programa de Bachillerato internacional sobre el uso de nuevas metodologías para la enseñanza del idioma inglés lo que les permite promover el autoconocimiento y evolución personal de sus estudiantes por medio de la comprensión de cómo piensan, aprenden, se motivan, interactúan, se comunican y viven su propio proceso de aprendizaje del idioma donde el aspecto emocional es sumamente valorado.
The current investigation was carried out in six educational institutions with an international baccalaureate program (IB) with the following distribution: three public IB institutions in Lima and three private IB educational institutions in the province. The purpose of this study was to compare the application of the strategies of the Neurolinguistic Programming approach and its Teaching Perception for teaching English between IB public school teachers in Lima and IB private school teachers in some provinces. The research is based on a substantive type, has a descriptive level and a descriptive-comparative design. The sample was 151 teachers. The instruments used for collecting the information were the Neuro-linguistic Programming Questionnaire by Dr. Pishghadamen, Reza (2011) and the NLP teachers’ perception questionnaire by Dr. Muhammad Keeshata (2019). The obtained results confirmed that IB public school teachers in Lima and IB private school teachers in some provinces with an international baccalaureate in Cuzco, Cajamarca y Trujillo do not show statistically significant differences in terms of the level of application of the strategies of the neurolinguistic programming approach and their teacher perception for teaching English. In general terms, both groups studied experienced the same level of application of the strategies of the neurolinguistic programming approach and their teacher perception for the teaching English. Finally, both groups of teachers exercise the basic pillar of the International Baccalaureate program on the use of new methodologies for teaching the English language, which allows them to promote self-knowledge and personal evolution of their students through understanding how they think, learn, motivate, interact, communicate and experience their own language learning process where the emotional aspect is highly valued.
The current investigation was carried out in six educational institutions with an international baccalaureate program (IB) with the following distribution: three public IB institutions in Lima and three private IB educational institutions in the province. The purpose of this study was to compare the application of the strategies of the Neurolinguistic Programming approach and its Teaching Perception for teaching English between IB public school teachers in Lima and IB private school teachers in some provinces. The research is based on a substantive type, has a descriptive level and a descriptive-comparative design. The sample was 151 teachers. The instruments used for collecting the information were the Neuro-linguistic Programming Questionnaire by Dr. Pishghadamen, Reza (2011) and the NLP teachers’ perception questionnaire by Dr. Muhammad Keeshata (2019). The obtained results confirmed that IB public school teachers in Lima and IB private school teachers in some provinces with an international baccalaureate in Cuzco, Cajamarca y Trujillo do not show statistically significant differences in terms of the level of application of the strategies of the neurolinguistic programming approach and their teacher perception for teaching English. In general terms, both groups studied experienced the same level of application of the strategies of the neurolinguistic programming approach and their teacher perception for the teaching English. Finally, both groups of teachers exercise the basic pillar of the International Baccalaureate program on the use of new methodologies for teaching the English language, which allows them to promote self-knowledge and personal evolution of their students through understanding how they think, learn, motivate, interact, communicate and experience their own language learning process where the emotional aspect is highly valued.
Palabras clave
Educación--Tesis, Programación neurolingüística, Docente, Enseñanza del inglés