Impacto del TDAH en la familia a través de un caso clínico
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
El caso clínico que a continuación se presenta, es de un niño de siete años a quien en adelante se le llamará Joe, procediéndose a evaluar de forma integral para determinar si tiene el diagnóstico de TDAH (trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad). Al mismo tiempo se ha revisado la bibliografía actual de este trastorno y también se muestra a través de la anamnesis, el impacto en el grupo familiar sobre esta condición. Del mismo modo se incluyen parte del plan terapéutico implementado con el evaluado y su madre, desde enero a junio del año en curso, donde se utilizaron técnicas de terapia cognitiva conductual, modificación de la conducta, psicoeducación, y sesiones de terapia con enfoque Gestalt. Por otra parte, es oportuno mencionar, que mientras se ha llevado a cabo este trabajo se ha recibido la noticia sobre el establecimiento de la "Ley de Protección de las personas con Trastorno de Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad" (N° 30956). En ella se han dispuesto acciones para sensibilizar a la sociedad y atender a las personas con este trastorno, declarándose el día 13 de julio como el Día Nacional de Sensibilización del TDAH.
The following clinical case is a seven-year-old boy who will be named as Joe from now on, proceeding to a comprehensive evaluation to determine if he should be diagnosed with ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder). At the same time, the current bibliography about this disorder has been reviewed and the impact of this condition on the family group is also shown through the anamnesis. Furthermore, part of the therapeutic plan implemented with the evaluated subject and his mother is included, from January to June of the current year, where techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy, behavior modification, psychoeducation, and therapy sessions with Gestalt approach were used. Moreover, it is appropriate to mention meanwhile this work was elaborated, the Congress of the Republic of Peru has promulgated the new "Law on Protection of People with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" (No. 30956). This law stipulates actions in order to raise awareness on society and care for people with this disorder, declaring July 13 as National ADHD Awareness Day.
The following clinical case is a seven-year-old boy who will be named as Joe from now on, proceeding to a comprehensive evaluation to determine if he should be diagnosed with ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder). At the same time, the current bibliography about this disorder has been reviewed and the impact of this condition on the family group is also shown through the anamnesis. Furthermore, part of the therapeutic plan implemented with the evaluated subject and his mother is included, from January to June of the current year, where techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy, behavior modification, psychoeducation, and therapy sessions with Gestalt approach were used. Moreover, it is appropriate to mention meanwhile this work was elaborated, the Congress of the Republic of Peru has promulgated the new "Law on Protection of People with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" (No. 30956). This law stipulates actions in order to raise awareness on society and care for people with this disorder, declaring July 13 as National ADHD Awareness Day.
Trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad, Familia, Psicología--Tesis