Esquemas maladaptativos tempranos desarrollados en pacientes mastectomizadas pertenecientes al club de la mama del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
La presente investigación es de tipo descriptiva cuya finalidad fue explicar los Esquemas Maladaptativos Tempranos desarrollados en pacientes mastectomizadas en rehabilitación pertenecientes al Club de la Mama del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas. La muestra estuvo constituida por 30 mujeres, cuyas edades oscilan entre 22 y 69 años. El instrumento aplicado fue el Cuestionario de Esquemas de Young 3era. Edición y una ficha sociodemográfica para obtener datos descriptivos de la muestra. Al obtener los resultados se encontró que el esquema predominante es el de Autosacrificio con un 96.7 %. Además de otros esquemas como: Vulnerabilidad, Inhibición Emocional, Privación Emocional, Estándares Inalcanzables, Búsqueda de Aprobación, Aislamiento Social, Desconfianza y Abuso, Abandono, Fracaso, Dependencia y Sometimiento. Dentro de los resultados obtenidos se corrobora nuestra hipótesis, siendo el Autosacrificio el esquema de mayor incidencia en comparación a los otros esquemas. Esquema que se encuentra dentro de la dimensión de Deterioro en dirección a los demás por lo que se concluye que la necesidad central no cubierta fue la de libertad para expresar emociones y necesidades.
This research is descriptive whose purpose was to categorize the schemes esrly maladaptive developed in mastectomy patients in rehabilitation belonging to the Breast Club of the National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases. The sample consisted of 30 women, whose ages ranged from 22 to 69 years. The instrument applied was the Young Schema Questionnaire 3rd. edition and sociodemographic card for descriptive data of the sample. The results found that the predominant scheme is that of Self-sacrifice with a 96.7%. In addition to other schemes such as: Search for approval, Social isolation, Distrust and abuse, Neglect, Failure, Dependence and Submission, Vulnerability, Emotional deprivation, Unattainable standards, Emotional inhibition. Within the results obtained was corroborated our hypothesis being Self-Sacrifice the schema of highest incidence in comparison to other schemes. Scheme that is located within the dimension of deterioration in the direction of others, so it is concluded that the unmet central was the freedom to express emotions and needs.
This research is descriptive whose purpose was to categorize the schemes esrly maladaptive developed in mastectomy patients in rehabilitation belonging to the Breast Club of the National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases. The sample consisted of 30 women, whose ages ranged from 22 to 69 years. The instrument applied was the Young Schema Questionnaire 3rd. edition and sociodemographic card for descriptive data of the sample. The results found that the predominant scheme is that of Self-sacrifice with a 96.7%. In addition to other schemes such as: Search for approval, Social isolation, Distrust and abuse, Neglect, Failure, Dependence and Submission, Vulnerability, Emotional deprivation, Unattainable standards, Emotional inhibition. Within the results obtained was corroborated our hypothesis being Self-Sacrifice the schema of highest incidence in comparison to other schemes. Scheme that is located within the dimension of deterioration in the direction of others, so it is concluded that the unmet central was the freedom to express emotions and needs.
Autosacrificio, Mastectomia, Psicología--Tesis