Dependencia emocional en mujeres con y sin pareja en la localidad de Manchay
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
En el presente estudio se analiza el concepto de dependencia emocional en mujeres con y sin pareja en edades entre 20 y 50 años, en la localidad de Manchay. El tipo de muestreo es no probabilístico, seleccionándose una muestra de 70 mujeres con y sin pareja. Se administró el Inventario de Dependencia emocional de Jesús Aiquipa Tello (IDE). Las conclusiones halladas muestran que la frecuencia más alta de dependencia emocional para las mujeres de Manchay con pareja fue el nivel alto (60%), mientras que para las mujeres sin pareja fue el nivel bajo (40%). Esta discrepancia entre ambos agrupamientos fue estadísticamente significativa (p. < 0.05).
In this study, the concept of emotional dependence is analyzed in women with and without a partner between the ages of 20 and 50, in the town of Manchay. The type of sampling is non-probabilistic, selecting a sample of 70 women with and without a partner. The Jesus Aiquipa Tello Emotional Dependence Inventory (IDE) was administered. The conclusions found show that the highest frequency of emotional dependence for Manchay women with a partner was the high level (60%), while for women without a partner it was the low level (40%). This discrepancy between both groups was statistically significant (p. <0.05)
In this study, the concept of emotional dependence is analyzed in women with and without a partner between the ages of 20 and 50, in the town of Manchay. The type of sampling is non-probabilistic, selecting a sample of 70 women with and without a partner. The Jesus Aiquipa Tello Emotional Dependence Inventory (IDE) was administered. The conclusions found show that the highest frequency of emotional dependence for Manchay women with a partner was the high level (60%), while for women without a partner it was the low level (40%). This discrepancy between both groups was statistically significant (p. <0.05)
Dependencia (Psicología), Apego (Psicología), Ansiedad de separación, Relaciones de pareja, Dependency (Psychology), Attachment behavior, Separation anxiety, Man-woman relationships, Psicología--Tesis