Atención selectiva y comprensión lectora en estudiantes de primaria de una institución educativa – Región Callao
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación existente entre la atención selectiva con la comprensión lectora en las estudiantes del tercer grado de primaria de una Institución educativa perteneciente al Callao, durante el año 2022. Este estudio fue descriptivo correlacional y transversal. Se realizó sobre una muestra de 68 estudiantes mujeres aplicándose las pruebas d2 para medir la atención selectiva y la prueba CLP para medir la comprensión lectora. Estos datos fueron ingresados al programa SPSS y se les realizó la prueba estadística de correlación de Spearman. Los resultados de esta prueba estadística arrojaron un p=0.037 y el coeficiente de correlación fue un ρ=0.253 esto al 95% de confianza (p<0.05). Además, se obtuvo como resultados descriptivos que la mayoría de las estudiantes (48.5%) tienen una atención selectiva mala (P26 – P50) y la comprensión lectora predominante (47.1%) fue el muy mala (≤P25). Se puede concluir que sí existe una correlación significativa directa entre las variables atención selectiva y comprensión lectora.
The present study has the objective to determine the relationship between the selective attention and the reading comprehension of the third grade of primary school at an educational institution located in Callao, during the year 2022. This was a correlational cross-sectional descriptive study. It was carried out on a sample of 68 female students. Tests d 2 to measure selective attention and test CLP to measure reading comprehension were applied. These data were entered to program SPSS. The statistical correlation test of Spearman was applied for this. The statistic test results showed p=0.037 and the correlation coefficient was p=0.253 this at 95% confidence (p<0.05). Moreover, the descriptive results obtained showed that the majority of female students (48.5%) have poor selective attention (P 26-P 50) and the predominant reading comprehension (47.1%) was very poor (≤P25) in Conclusion: It exists a direct significant correlation between the variables: selective attention and reading comprehension.
The present study has the objective to determine the relationship between the selective attention and the reading comprehension of the third grade of primary school at an educational institution located in Callao, during the year 2022. This was a correlational cross-sectional descriptive study. It was carried out on a sample of 68 female students. Tests d 2 to measure selective attention and test CLP to measure reading comprehension were applied. These data were entered to program SPSS. The statistical correlation test of Spearman was applied for this. The statistic test results showed p=0.037 and the correlation coefficient was p=0.253 this at 95% confidence (p<0.05). Moreover, the descriptive results obtained showed that the majority of female students (48.5%) have poor selective attention (P 26-P 50) and the predominant reading comprehension (47.1%) was very poor (≤P25) in Conclusion: It exists a direct significant correlation between the variables: selective attention and reading comprehension.
Palabras clave
Educación--Tesis, Atención, Comprensión lectora