Terapia gestáltica en el desarrollo de la resiliencia en mujeres víctimas de violencia familiar
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
La presente investigación buscó examinar la incidencia que tiene un programa de intervención, para desarrollar el nivel de resiliencia mediante la psicoterapia Gestalt, en mujeres víctimas de violencia que estudian en el CETPRO María Mazzarello de Piura. La investigación es de nivel causal, aplicada y el diseño es de carácter experimental, cuantitativa con dos grupos de estudio: experimental y control, a la vez con prueba de entrada y salida es decir con pretest y postest. Se trabajó con una muestra probabilística que incluyó a 40 mujeres. El instrumento utilizado fue la Escala de Resiliencia (ER) de Wagnild & Young adaptada en Perú por Novella (2002), cuya confiabilidad con el Alfa de Cronbach alcanzó el valor de .919 en su etapa de postest, considerándose una excelente fiabilidad. El programa tuvo una duración de ocho sesiones y los resultados indican que existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el grupo experimental antes y después de la aplicación del programa, pero no se hallaron diferencias reveladoras en el grupo de control.
This research sought to examine the incidence of an intervention program to develop the level of resilience through Gestalt psychotherapy, in women victims of violence who study at the CETPRO Maria Mazzarello de Piura. The research is of a causal level, applied and the design is experimental, quantitative, with two study groups: experimental and control, at the same time with input and output tests that is, with pretest and posttest. We worked with a probabilistic sample that included 40 women. The instrument used was the Wagnild & Young Resilience Scale (ER) adapted in Peru by Novella (2002), whose reliability with Cronbach’s Alpha reached the value of .919 in its post-test stage, considering it excellent reliability. The program lasted eight sessions and the results indicate that there is a statistically significant difference in the experimental group before and after the application of the program, but no revealing differences were found in the control group.
This research sought to examine the incidence of an intervention program to develop the level of resilience through Gestalt psychotherapy, in women victims of violence who study at the CETPRO Maria Mazzarello de Piura. The research is of a causal level, applied and the design is experimental, quantitative, with two study groups: experimental and control, at the same time with input and output tests that is, with pretest and posttest. We worked with a probabilistic sample that included 40 women. The instrument used was the Wagnild & Young Resilience Scale (ER) adapted in Peru by Novella (2002), whose reliability with Cronbach’s Alpha reached the value of .919 in its post-test stage, considering it excellent reliability. The program lasted eight sessions and the results indicate that there is a statistically significant difference in the experimental group before and after the application of the program, but no revealing differences were found in the control group.
Psicología--Tesis, Terapia Gestalt, Resiliencia (Psicología), Mujeres maltratadas, Víctimas de violencia en la familia, Gestalt therapy, Resilience (Personality trait), Abused women, Victims of family violence