Factores de producción para optimizar las exportaciones de papel tissue de papelera Zarate a Chile - 2019
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
En la investigación se determinó que la optimización de los factores de producción permitirá el incremento en las ventas de exportación de la empresa Papelera Zarate al mercado chileno para 2019. En la investigación se utilizó la escala de Likert para medir la percepción de los trabajadores sobre la optimización de los factores de producción y el aumento de ventas en las exportaciones, éstos son los 3 factores a considerar: (1) recurso humano, (2) materia prima y (3) tecnología. La muestra de estudio estuvo conformada por 20 trabajadores que laboran en la empresa Papelera Zarate S.A.C.
Asimismo, se identificó que la optimización de los factores de producción permitirá incrementar las exportaciones de las bobinas de papel tissue al mercado de Chile 2019, y se demostró que los 3 de factores de producción son relevantes para el incremento en las exportaciones, afirmando la hipótesis planteada.
In this research, the optimization of the production factors that will allow the increase in export sales of Papelera Zarate Company to the chilean market by 2019 was determined. In the development of the research, the Likert scale was used for the surveys, which measures the perception of employees on the optimization of the production factors and the increase of the export sales; these are three factors to consider: (1) human resources, (2) raw material and (3) technology. The study sample was composed of 20 employees working in Papelera Zarate Company. Furthermore, the research identified that the optimization of production factors will allow the increase of exports of tissue paper reels to the 2019 in the Chilean market, and it showed that the three production factors are relevant for the increase of exports, confirming the proposed hypothesis.
In this research, the optimization of the production factors that will allow the increase in export sales of Papelera Zarate Company to the chilean market by 2019 was determined. In the development of the research, the Likert scale was used for the surveys, which measures the perception of employees on the optimization of the production factors and the increase of the export sales; these are three factors to consider: (1) human resources, (2) raw material and (3) technology. The study sample was composed of 20 employees working in Papelera Zarate Company. Furthermore, the research identified that the optimization of production factors will allow the increase of exports of tissue paper reels to the 2019 in the Chilean market, and it showed that the three production factors are relevant for the increase of exports, confirming the proposed hypothesis.
Producción industrial, Productos papeleros, Negocios Internacionales--Tesis