Dimensiones de personalidad y conductas antisociales – delictivas en estudiantes de zonas de riesgo de Lima
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal determinar las dimensiones de personalidad y conductas antisociales-delictivas en estudiantes de secundaria que residen en zonas de riesgo de Lima. Esta investigación cuenta con un diseño no experimental, descriptivo de tipo correlacional, donde se evaluaron a 177 estudiantes pertenecientes a las dos instituciones educativas, de los distritos de Cercado de Lima y de La Victoria, entre los 13 y 16 años, a quienes se les aplicó como instrumentos de recolección de datos el Inventario de personalidad de Eysenck para niños y el cuestionario de Conductas Antisociales Delictivas, obteniendo como resultados que, existe una correlación significativa entre las dimensiones de las variables estudiadas, con excepción entre las dimensiones de Neuroticismo y conductas delictivas, las cuales cuentan con un nivel de correlación del .035, demostrando que no existe una relación entre estas dimensiones.
The main objective of this research was to determine the personality dimensions and antisocial-criminal behaviors in high school students who reside in risk areas of Lima. This research has a non-experimental, descriptive, correlational design, where 177 students belonging to the two educational institutions, from the districts of Cercado de Lima and La Victoria, between 13 and 16 years of age, were evaluated. The Eynseck Personality Inventory for children and the Antisocial-Criminal Behavior questionnaire were applied to them as a data collection instrument. Obtaining as results that there is a significant correlation between all the dimensions of the variables, with the exception between the dimensions of neuroticism and criminal behavior, which have a correlation level of .035, showing that there is no relationship between these dimensions.
The main objective of this research was to determine the personality dimensions and antisocial-criminal behaviors in high school students who reside in risk areas of Lima. This research has a non-experimental, descriptive, correlational design, where 177 students belonging to the two educational institutions, from the districts of Cercado de Lima and La Victoria, between 13 and 16 years of age, were evaluated. The Eynseck Personality Inventory for children and the Antisocial-Criminal Behavior questionnaire were applied to them as a data collection instrument. Obtaining as results that there is a significant correlation between all the dimensions of the variables, with the exception between the dimensions of neuroticism and criminal behavior, which have a correlation level of .035, showing that there is no relationship between these dimensions.
Psicología--Tesis, Personalidad, Conducta antisocial, Delincuencia, Personality, Deviant behavior, Crime