Las técnicas grafoplásticas y su relación con la lectoescritura en niños de primer grado de educación primaria
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
Desde los primeros años de la educación preescolar las técnicas grafo plásticas han sido estrategias usadas con regularidad por los docentes para preparar a los niños en el proceso de lectoescritura. Por ello, la presente investigación demostrará y dará a conocer la relación directa existente entre las técnicas grafo plásticas y la lectoescritura. La aplicación de las técnicas grafo plásticas determinará el presente y el futuro del aprendizaje del niño, debido a que, si no se logra la adquisición de estas destrezas, el menor no aprenderá con facilidad la lectoescritura que constituye la base primordial para adquirir nuevos conocimientos y la madurez intelectual del menor, evidenciándose así una gran problemática. Por tal motivo, el docente, así como el padre de familia, deben conocer a plenitud cuales son las técnicas grafoplásticas a aplicar en el proceso de enseñanza, que facilitará la formación integral de su niño, así como el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura.
Since the first years of pre-school education, grapho-plastic techniques have been strategies regularly used by teachers to prepare children for the process of reading and writing. Therefore, this research will demonstrate and show the direct relationship between grapho-plastic techniques and reading and writing. The application of grapho-plastic techniques will determine the present and the future of the child's learning, because, if the acquisition of these skills is not achieved, the child will not easily learn to read and write, which is the fundamental basis for acquiring new knowledge and the intellectual maturity of the child, thus showing a great problem. For this reason, the teacher, as well as the parent, must be fully aware of the graphoplastic techniques to be applied in the teaching process, which will facilitate the integral formation of their child, as well as the learning of reading and writing.
Since the first years of pre-school education, grapho-plastic techniques have been strategies regularly used by teachers to prepare children for the process of reading and writing. Therefore, this research will demonstrate and show the direct relationship between grapho-plastic techniques and reading and writing. The application of grapho-plastic techniques will determine the present and the future of the child's learning, because, if the acquisition of these skills is not achieved, the child will not easily learn to read and write, which is the fundamental basis for acquiring new knowledge and the intellectual maturity of the child, thus showing a great problem. For this reason, the teacher, as well as the parent, must be fully aware of the graphoplastic techniques to be applied in the teaching process, which will facilitate the integral formation of their child, as well as the learning of reading and writing.
Técnica didáctica, Lectura, Escritura, Estudiante de primaria, Educación--Trabajo de Investigación