Centro integral de rehabilitación física para personas con discapacidad motora - Comas
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
El trabajo de investigación se denominó "Requerimientos arquitectónicos básicos para el desplazamiento libre de una persona con deficiencias motoras en un centro de rehabilitación física", tuvo como propósito proyectar un centro de rehabilitación integral para personas con deficiencias física, que presente una edificación con ambientes especializados que ayude a la autonomía de los usuarios para que puedan ser atendidos con mayor facilidad, comodidad y puedan tener una atención integral al poder mejorar su estado físico, mental y social, favoreciendo eficientemente a la población con deficiencias en el distrito de Comas; respondiendo de esta manera al déficit de dichos centros en Lima Norte. Estará ubicado y localizado en el cruce de la Av. Túpac Amaru con Av. Revolución, contará con un área de 387722.24 m2. La investigación empleada es descriptiva de diseño no experimental porque se recolecto y analizó datos de otros proyectos de centros de rehabilitación física para personas con deficiencias como por ejemplo el Instituto Nacional de rehabilitación y el hospital de rehabilitación del Callao, realizando visitas de campo, entrevistas y encuestas a médicos, pacientes, entre otros. Los resultados hallados muestran que existe un déficit de centros de salud que brinden rehabilitación integral a personas con discapacidad física en el cono de Lima Norte, principalmente en el distrito de Comas.
The research work was called '' Basic architectural requirements for the free movement of a person with motor impairments in a physical rehabilitation center'', had the purpose of projecting a comprehensive rehabilitation center for people with physical deficiencies, presenting a building with specialized environments that help the autonomy of the users so that they can be cared for more easily, comfortably and can have a comprehensive attention to improve their physical, mental and social, efficiently favoring the population with deficiencies in the district of Comas; responding in this way to the deficit of these centers in North Lima. It will be located and located at the intersection of Av. Tupac Amaru Av. Revolución, will have an area of 387722.24 m2. The research used is descriptive of non-experimental design because data was collected and analyzed from other projects of physical rehabilitation centers for people with deficiencies such as, for example, the National Institute of rehabilitation and the rehabilitation hospital of Callao, making field visits, interviews and surveys of doctors, patients, among others. The results found show that there is a deficit of health centers that provide integral rehabilitation to people with physical disabilities in the Lima North cone, mainly in the district of Comas.
The research work was called '' Basic architectural requirements for the free movement of a person with motor impairments in a physical rehabilitation center'', had the purpose of projecting a comprehensive rehabilitation center for people with physical deficiencies, presenting a building with specialized environments that help the autonomy of the users so that they can be cared for more easily, comfortably and can have a comprehensive attention to improve their physical, mental and social, efficiently favoring the population with deficiencies in the district of Comas; responding in this way to the deficit of these centers in North Lima. It will be located and located at the intersection of Av. Tupac Amaru Av. Revolución, will have an area of 387722.24 m2. The research used is descriptive of non-experimental design because data was collected and analyzed from other projects of physical rehabilitation centers for people with deficiencies such as, for example, the National Institute of rehabilitation and the rehabilitation hospital of Callao, making field visits, interviews and surveys of doctors, patients, among others. The results found show that there is a deficit of health centers that provide integral rehabilitation to people with physical disabilities in the Lima North cone, mainly in the district of Comas.
Centro de rehabilitación, Personas con discapacidad, Arquitectura--Tesis