Relación entre autoeficacia materna percibida y estilos educativos, en madres con hijos de 3 a 6 años
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
La presente investigación tiene el objetivo de establecer la relación entre las
variables autoeficacia materna percibida y estilos educativos maternos, teniendo
en cuenta, también, variables sociodemográficas. El nivel de investigación es
descriptivo, el tipo de investigación es descriptivo-correlacional, el diseño de
investigación es transeccional o transversal y el enfoque es no experimental.
Participaron en el estudio 504 madres; cuyos hijos tienen entre 3 a 6 años de
edad, niños que estudian en una institución educativa inicial estatal que provienen
de tres sectores de lima metropolitana, Lima este, Lima centro y Lima sur,
respectivamente. Las madres contestaron dos instrumentos psicológicos, la
escala de autoeficacia materna percibida y escala de estilos educativos maternos.
Los resultados demostraron que, si existe relación significativa entre autoeficacia
materna percibida y los estilos educativos maternos (p<.001). Entre la autoeficacia
materna percibida y el estilo educativo asertivo existe un patrón creciente, donde
a mayor nivel de autoeficacia materna le corresponde mayor presencia porcentual
del estilo asertivo. Además, se encontró que las dimensiones de la variable
autoeficacia materna percibida están relacionadas de manera positiva con el estilo
educativo asertivo y de manera negativa con el estilo punitivo
This research aims to establish the relationship between the variables perceived maternal self-efficacy and maternal educational styles, taking into account, also, sociodemographic variables. The level of research is descriptive, the type of research is descriptive-correlational, the research design is transectional or transversal and the approach is non-experimental. 504 mothers participated in the study; whose children are between 3 and 6 years old, children studying in an initial state educational institution that come from three sectors of metropolitan Lima, Lima East, Lima downtown and Lima South, respectively. Mothers answered two psychological instruments, the scale of perceived maternal self-efficacy and the scale of maternal educational styles. The results showed that, if there is a significant relationship between perceived maternal self-efficacy and maternal educational styles (p <.001). Between the perceived maternal self-efficacy and the assertive educational style there is a growing pattern, where a higher level of maternal self-efficacy corresponds to a greater percentage presence of the assertive style. In addition, it was found that the dimensions of the perceived maternal self-efficacy variable are positively related to the assertive educational style and negatively to the punitive style
This research aims to establish the relationship between the variables perceived maternal self-efficacy and maternal educational styles, taking into account, also, sociodemographic variables. The level of research is descriptive, the type of research is descriptive-correlational, the research design is transectional or transversal and the approach is non-experimental. 504 mothers participated in the study; whose children are between 3 and 6 years old, children studying in an initial state educational institution that come from three sectors of metropolitan Lima, Lima East, Lima downtown and Lima South, respectively. Mothers answered two psychological instruments, the scale of perceived maternal self-efficacy and the scale of maternal educational styles. The results showed that, if there is a significant relationship between perceived maternal self-efficacy and maternal educational styles (p <.001). Between the perceived maternal self-efficacy and the assertive educational style there is a growing pattern, where a higher level of maternal self-efficacy corresponds to a greater percentage presence of the assertive style. In addition, it was found that the dimensions of the perceived maternal self-efficacy variable are positively related to the assertive educational style and negatively to the punitive style
Autoeficacia, Madre, Educación familiar, Crianza del niño, Psicología--Tesis