Efectos del programa " Evaluando Ando " en la retroalimentación efectiva en entornos de enseñanza digital en docentes
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
La investigación se ha realizado con el objetivo de verificar el efecto del Programa “Evaluando Ando” en las dimensiones de la retroalimentación efectiva en entornos de enseñanza digital aplicada por los profesores de una Institución Educativa perteneciente a la UGEL 06. El estudio corresponde al nivel
explicativo, es de tipo aplicada porque busca medir el efecto del programa “Evaluando Ando” a partir de un diseño cuasi experimental. La muestra seleccionada para realizar este estudio estuvo conformada por 30 docentes divididos en un grupo experimental (15) y un grupo de control (15), elegidos mediante muestreo no probabilístico de tipo intencional. La información sobre la forma de retroalimentar de los docentes fue recopilada mediante la aplicación del instrumento de autoría propia denominado “Cuestionario sobre la Práctica de Retroalimentación” tanto al inicio como al término de la investigación y, el Programa “Evaluando Ando” al grupo experimental con la finalidad de verificar la hipótesis de trabajo planteada: La aplicación del Programa “Evaluando Ando” mejora la retroalimentación efectiva en entornos de enseñanza digital aplicada por los docentes de una Institución Educativa de la UGEL 06.
Finalmente, se concluye que el Programa “Evaluando Ando” tiene efectos positivos en la mejora de la retroalimentación efectiva en entornos de enseñanza digital aplicada por los docentes de una Institución Educativa de la UGEL 06.
The research has been carried out with the objective of verifying the effect of the "Evaluando Ando" Program on the dimensions of effective feedback in digital teaching environments applied by teachers of an Educational Institution belonging to UGEL 06. The study corresponds to the explanatory level, is of an applied type because it seeks to measure the effect of the "Evaluando Ando" program from a quasi-experimental design. The sample selected to carry out this study consisted of 30 teachers divided into an experimental group (15) and a control group (15), chosen by intentional non-probabilistic survey. The information on the form of feedback from teachers was collected through the application of the self-authored instrument called "Questionnaire on Feedback Practice" both at the beginning and at the end of the investigation and, the "Evaluando Ando" Program to the experimental group with The purpose of verifying the given work hypothesis: The application of the "Evaluando Ando" Program improves effective feedback in digital teaching environments applied by teachers of an Educational Institution of UGEL 06. Finally, it is concluded that the "Evaluando Ando" Program has positive effects on the improvement of effective feedback in digital teaching environments applied by teachers of an Educational Institution of UGEL 06.
The research has been carried out with the objective of verifying the effect of the "Evaluando Ando" Program on the dimensions of effective feedback in digital teaching environments applied by teachers of an Educational Institution belonging to UGEL 06. The study corresponds to the explanatory level, is of an applied type because it seeks to measure the effect of the "Evaluando Ando" program from a quasi-experimental design. The sample selected to carry out this study consisted of 30 teachers divided into an experimental group (15) and a control group (15), chosen by intentional non-probabilistic survey. The information on the form of feedback from teachers was collected through the application of the self-authored instrument called "Questionnaire on Feedback Practice" both at the beginning and at the end of the investigation and, the "Evaluando Ando" Program to the experimental group with The purpose of verifying the given work hypothesis: The application of the "Evaluando Ando" Program improves effective feedback in digital teaching environments applied by teachers of an Educational Institution of UGEL 06. Finally, it is concluded that the "Evaluando Ando" Program has positive effects on the improvement of effective feedback in digital teaching environments applied by teachers of an Educational Institution of UGEL 06.
Educación--Tesis, Enseñanza en línea, Programas de educación, Docente, Web-based instruction, Educational programmes, Teachers