JCLIC educational software as a teaching resource to improve learning of early education students

dc.contributor.authorCáceres Narrea, Felicia Lelia
dc.contributor.authorCastillo Santa, María Inés
dc.contributor.authorQuipas Bellizza, Mariella Margot
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Saavedra, Liliana
dc.contributor.authorVillegas Rivas, Danny
dc.descriptionIndexado en Scopus.es_PE
dc.descriptionEl texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Institucional UNIFE. Deberá acceder por el DOI ó URL de la casa editorial externa.es_PE
dc.descriptionReview of International Geographical Education Online ; Vol. 11 ; No. 6 ; pp. 1047-1057es_PE
dc.description.abstractThe Jclic Educational Software research as a teaching resource to improve the learning of the Initial Education students of the Faculty of Education of the UNFV en 2018 presents, as a method, a type of experimental research, the level is explanatory and the quasi-experimental design. The general objective of the research has been to determine if the Jclic Educational Software as a teaching resource influences the learning of the Initial Education students of the Faculty of Education of the UNFV en 2018. Sample consists of 120 students enrolled in the IV cycle of the Initial Specialty of the Faculty of Education of the UNFV, the instrument is the questionnaire and the application of the Jclic software. It was found that students value positively the use of Jclic software as a teaching resource to improve learning, with the application of its different activities: association, memory game, puzzle, crossword, word search, etc. As the results of the verification of the specific hypotheses allows us to affirm that the Jclic software influences the attitudinal learning of the Initial Education students of the Faculty of Education of the UNFV in 2018, with a confidence level of 95. Finally, the Jclic Educational Software as a didactic resource influences the learning of the students of Initial Education of the Faculty of Education of the UNFV in 2018, this means that the use of technology such as Jclic improves learning.es_PE
dc.identifier.journalReview of International Geographical Education Onlinees_PE
dc.publisherEskisehir Osmangazi Universityes_PE
dc.relation.ispartofurn:issn: 2146-0353es_PE
dc.sourceRepositorio Institucional – UNIFÉes_PE
dc.subjectPrograma informático didácticoes_PE
dc.titleJCLIC educational software as a teaching resource to improve learning of early education studentses_PE
unife.autor.afiliacionRodríguez Saavedra, Liliana
