4.3.Artículos de conferencias indexados
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Item Metadata only Social dimension of the evaluative culture of learning and student satisfaction(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2024) García Chauca, Jeniffer Doris; Montoya Cantoral, Elisa; Espinoza Suárez, S.M.; Nino Cueva, Moises Ronal; Nino Cueva, Danes Carlos EnriqueThis research seeks to establish the relationship between the perception of the social dimension of the culture of teaching evaluation and its relationship with the satisfaction of students at a private university in Lima. It is a crosscutting, descriptive and correlational research with a non-experimental quantitative approach. The methodological design consisted of selecting a representative sample of students and carrying out the collection and analysis of information using two validated instruments. The result was that there was a positive correlation between the proposed variables, that is, that the greater the perception of the social dimension of the evaluative culture, the higher the student's satisfaction. Similarly, statistical evidence suggests that there is an average relationship between the perception of the social dimension of the evaluative culture of learning and student satisfaction at a private university in Lima (0,000 ≤ 0.05).Item Metadata only Didactics 2.0 for information management and digital skills of teachers(Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2024) Pérez Cauna, Jackeline Shelah; García Chauca, Jeniffer Doris; Montoya Cantoral, ElisaThis research aims to determine the relationship between the didactic use of the web 2.0 for the information management and the digital skills of teachers. A quantitative approach was used, and the research design was non-experimental with a cross-sectional cut since data collection was carried out at a single point in time. The study was conducted with a population of 98 teachers from a private university in Lima. The results obtained showed that there is a direct relationship between the variables Use of the Web 2.0 and the digital skills of teachers.Item Metadata only Insights for SETI from linguistics studies in the Peruvian Amazon(International Astronautical Federation, IAF, 2023) Musso, Paolo; Atachahua, Wilmer; Aylas Torres, Jhomira Larissa; Azcona, Guisella; Casique Coronado, Luzmila; Chávez Sánchez, Liz; Comante Asencio, Gedeon; Flores Durand, Rudy Walter; López Bautista, Juan; Navarro Linares, Janina; Paredes Garcia, Lourdes Yessenia; Vasquez Balarezo, Jovita; Zapata, Remigio; Zumaeta, EsaúIn two previous papers presented at the IAC 2019 and 2020 we have illustrated the experience of intercultural dialogue at the Amazonian University UCSS-Nopoki of Atalaya, explaining why it could provide interesting insights for SETI, especially for interstellar message composition. In 2023, for the first time, a wide team of Amazonian professors, with the support of some members of the InCosmiCon Research Center at the University of Insubria, has done an in-depth analysis of the most important activity currently ongoing in Nopoki, i.e., the translation process of some textbooks from Spanish to 7 different Amazonian languages, also writing 8 articles to be published in a special issue of the international journal of linguistics “Expressio”. In this paper the Amazonian professors and the InCosmiCon investigators present a synthesis of the main outcomes of their work and the most relevant implications for SETI and interstellar messages. Finally, we briefly sketch the main research projects already scheduled for the next future and the expected outcomes relevant for SETI.Item Metadata only Competencias investigativas de estudiantes de Ingeniería Industrial. Estudio exploratorio(Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2023) Corrales, César; Chumpitaz Campos, LucreciaEl objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar el manejo de las competencias investigativas en una muestra de estudiantes que llevan cursos vinculados a la investigación en la carrera de Ingeniería Industrial de una universidad privada. Se estudiaron varios modelos de competencias investigativas y se seleccionó uno de ellos que integraba de manera complementaria, las principales competencias investigativas y el uso de recursos tecnológicos. Es destacable identificar las debilidades que presentan los estudiantes en el manejo de las competencias investigativas más destacadas. Se requiere revisar y replantear la propuesta curricular y didáctica para asegurar un óptimo desarrollo de estasItem Metadata only MOOCs and their contribution to the continuous development of high school teachers(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023) Tacca Huamán, Daniel Rubén; Alva Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel; Cuarez Cordero, Renzo; Córdova Berona, Helí Alejandro; Franco Canaval, David Guillermo; Tacca Huamán, Ana LuisaThe objective was to know the contribution of MOOCs in the continuous training of Peruvian high school teachers and also to highlight the challenges and difficulties they presented. The research was mixed with a sequential explanatory design; initially 311 participants entered the survey, but after the corresponding filters, an effective sample of 149 secondary education teachers was reached. According to the results, 63% of initial participants completed a MOOC, of these 92 % obtained certification, the majority invested up to 50 dollars to obtain a certificate and a large number of promoters appeared in the NPS survey. On the other hand, it was shown that MOOCs contribute positively to the development of digital, didactic and pedagogical skills; however, it was identified that passive and detractor teachers do not agree with the autonomy of MOOCs because they demanded personalized attention.Item Metadata only Self-regulation in academic work of distance education students(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022) Pinto Guillergua, Vanessa; Montoya Cantoral, Elisa; Gómez Carbonel, Piero; Gallardo Echenique, ElianaThis study describes the perception of self-regulation for the planning of academic work in distance education students. Its approach is qualitative with a phenomenological interpretive design because it analyzes the phenomenon of student self-regulation to start and finish academic work in virtual environments. 8 students from a higher education institute were interviewed. It was evidenced that students plan their activities according to the level of difficulty, which increases their self-efficacy and responsibility in decision-making in this modality. In addition, they have identified the development of self-regulation of their learning and valued the teaching presence in their learning environment.Item Metadata only Pedagogical accompaniment, resilience, and performance of university professors during virtual classes(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022) Tacca Huamán, Daniel Rubén; Cuarez Cordero, Renzo; Franco Canaval, David Guillermo; Córdova Berona, Helí AlejandroThe objective of the research was to know the relationship between pedagogical accompaniment, resilience, and the professional performance of university professors during virtual classes. The research was quantitative, correlational, and cross-sectional; the sample was made up of 172 professors from a private university in Lima, Peru. According to the results, accompaniment has a positive and significant relationship with resilience (r=.45) and professional performance (r=.52) ; likewise, of the five dimensions of accompaniment, it was observed that collegiate planning and management of the teaching process present a positive and high relationship with performance. It was evidenced that male teachers and those who belong to the science area perceive greater accompaniment, but women and those who are from the humanities area present greater resilience and better performance.Item Metadata only Professor's leadership styles, engagement and academic satisfaction of the student during online classes(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022) Tacca Huamán, Daniel Rubén; Cuarez Cordero, Renzo; Franco Canaval, David Guillermo; Córdova Berona, Helí AlejandroThe main objective of the research was to know the relationship between the leadership styles of the university professor, the engagement, and the academic satisfaction of university students during the context of virtual education. The research was, quantitative, correlational, and cross-sectional; the sample consisted of 229 university students from Lima, Peru. The transformational leadership style obtains a positive, significant, and high relationship with academic engagement (r=.51) and a moderate relationship with academic satisfaction (r=.47); the laissez-faire style presents negative relationships with these two constructs. The results show that women are more engaged in their studies and are more satisfied with their professor; on the other hand, humanities students perceive more transformational leadership and satisfaction, while science students perceive more laissez-faire leadership in their professors.Item Metadata only Methodological proposal to determine the motivations to teach and growth mindset of professors from a Faculty of Sciences(Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2021) Lewis, Anna; Del Valle, Roxana; Chumpitaz Campos, Lucrecia; Corrales, CésarThis article presents the design of a study to measure and understand the motivational characteristics of university professors from a Faculty of Sciences who are interested in improving their knowledge and teaching skills. The instruments used were two surveys. Both were integrated and applied in online format translated from English. Both surveys had been validated in North American universities, asking a total of 33 questions that included demographic characteristics and four aspects to evaluate, effort, interest, specific personal efficacy and general personal efficacy. A Likert scale is used and the results will be used to see the characteristics of the teachers linked to the motivations to teach and the growth mindset.Item Metadata only Study of mental states in online classes caused by COVID-19, using brain-computer interface(CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021) Herrera, Lucas; Auccahuasi, Wilver; Rojas, Karim; Hilario, Francisco; Flores, Edward; Huaranja, Max; Linares, Oscar; Liendo Arévalo, Milner David; Ovalle, Christian; Bejarano, Patricia; Fuentes, Alfonso; Zamalloa, Leonidas; Sernaqué, FernandoThe pandemic caused by COVID-19, has achieved the confinement of people around the world, changing many habits and customs. Education is one of the areas where this aspect has caused many changes in the way of studying, mainly in the physical place where the classes are received, in the educational process they went from studying in a classroom to a room in the house And in many cases in the classroom, this new way of studying is causing changes in many aspects, one of the most important and which is the object of this study are changes in the levels of attention provided by students, because they are being affected by agents. distractors such as television, family members among others. The present work focuses on being able to analyze how the concentration and meditation levels are presenting at the time they do their classes, these measurements are made through a brain-computer interface, where the brain signals are recorded and presents concentration and meditation in a range of 0 to 100%, the results show that the children present a low level of concentration at the beginning and at the end of the class sessions, the maximum attention values are presented between 10 to 15 minutes of classes with values above 80%Item Metadata only Methodology for edge detection in high resolution optical satellite images(CEUR-WS, 2021) Herrera, Lucas; Auccahuasi, Wilver; Rojas, Karim; Hilario, Francisco; Flores, Edward; Flores, Javier; Bernardo, Madelaine; Liendo Arévalo, Milner David; Ovalle, Christian; Bejarano, Patricia; Fuentes, Alfonso; Zamalloa, Leonidas; Sernaque, FernandoOptical satellite images are an important and indispensable tool in the analysis of large areas of land, for this reason many applications arise, among them the subject of the detection of objects present in the images, in order to carry out this task, high resolution images are used., one of the advantages of these images is the level of detail that can be observed, but they have a disadvantage, which is the coverage, which allows the registration of a limited area, as well as the opportunity for the registration of the image by the satellite depends on the orbit, the time and the weather, all these factors cause that the registration of a specific area is of vital importance, in the present work focuses on presenting a methodology for the detection of edges in high resolution satellite images where evidence of the presence of ships that are present in the image, the technique consists of applying the sobel matrices in their different configurations actions, these found edges can serve as input into pattern recognition systems, as a feature or input to a neural network.Item Metadata only Inclusive competences in initial training : the teacher for inclusive education(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021) Távara Sabalú, Charito De Jesús; Camacho González, María Francisca Yolanda; Benitez Cortes, Rubén PaúlInclusive education is a challenge. Both national and international, it has been insisted in that education policies of each nation should be oriented to allow the implementation of this teaching-learning scheme, so that education will be accessible to all under equal conditions. In the case of Peru, the General Education Law and the Law for Persons with Disabilities emerged with the purpose of implement the inclusive education, but these laws are not applied in practice. In addition to this challenge, there is the phenomenon of initial teacher training, whose curriculum needs to include topics of study that help future teachers develop inclusive competencies to serve vulnerable students in an appropriate manner. This study shows the extent to which teachers in Peru receive solid training in the social model of disability as a basis for understanding the phenomenon of inclusion. It also presents the inclusive competencies that should be considered in initial teacher training, and the importance of determining the theoretical currents that offer data related to inclusive education in order to integrate them into an inclusive curriculum proposal. The present research was conducted with a qualitative approach, through a documentary analysis from whose systematization of the information emerged the three main themes addressed in this study. The findings indicate the need for new teachers to understand the importance of inclusion during their training, based on the integration of an inclusive curriculum built from national and international regulations, which should be part of the graduate profile of this type of professional.Item Metadata only InCosmiCon: a new italian-peruvian project about SETI and big history(International Astronautical Federation, 2019) Musso, Paolo; Antonietti, Nicolo; Asla, Mariano; Atachahua, Wilmer; Azcona, Guisella; Capatinta, María; Ceroni, Mauro; Crippa, Roberto; Gómez Navarro, Ángel; Jordan, Alejandra; Lagos, David; López, Didier; Maccone, Claudio; Montebugnoli, Stelio; Navarro, Janina; Oliva, Jorge; Pereyra, Carlota; Savio, Giuseppe; Valdivia-Silva, Julio; Vargas, Teófilo; Vera Cervantes, Victor Daniel; Viaña, Carlos; Vilcapuma Vinces, Patricia; Zapata, Remigio; Zumaeta, EsaúInCosmiCon (Intelligence in the Cosmic Context) is a project about SETI and Big History which arises on one side from the experience of the Italian SETI program, and on the other side from the project La vida en el universo: su origen, su naturaleza, su sentido (Life in the universe: its origin, its nature, its meaning), which has been developed in Peru as one of the six Oxford Templeton Visiting Fellowships to Latin America offered by the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion at the Oxford University and the John Templeton Foundation in 2017. From that project, originally proposed by two Universities of Lima, the UCSS (Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae) and the UNIFÉ (Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón), many new relationships and projects have arisen, so that finally we had the idea of creating a stable international interdisciplinary research group, based at the University of Insubria (Italy) and open to scholars from any countries all over the world, but, first of all, from Italy and Peru. The name InCosmiCon means that we want to investigate, through both theoretical reflections and field researches, the topic of intelligent life in the universe, first of all from the point of view of classic SETI, but also into the more general framework of the so-called Big History, as strongly suggested by the present Chairman of the IAA SETI Committee, Dr. Claudio Maccone. A special role will be played, as already in the project La vida en el universo, by the UCSS Amazonian seat of Atalaya (called UCSS Nopoki), one of the very few cases in the world (maybe the unique fully successful) of a positive interaction between cultures with a very different technological level, as on one side our Western civilizations and on the other side the 14 native Amazonian peoples having their sons studying in Nopoki, which could be also a model for a positive interaction with a hypothetical extraterrestrial civilization. In the present paper some of the founders of the InCosmiCon project are going to present its basic features, its main goals, and its future perspectives.Item Metadata only The InCosmiCon research center and its activities in the field of SETI, big history and interculturality(International Astronautical Federation, 2020) Musso, Paolo; Antonietti,Nicolo; Asla, Mariano; Atachahua, Wilmer; Azcona, Guisella; Bertoldi, Francesco; Biavaschi, Paola; Capatinta, María; Ceroni, Mauro; Chávez Sánchez, Liz; Crippa, Roberto; De Paulis, Daniela; Dutil, Yvan; Facchetti, Giulio; Facchin, Laura; Gómez Navarro, Ángel; Gustafson, Lowell; Jordan, Alejandra; Laffitte, Lucy; Lagos, David; López, Didier; Maccone, Claudio; Maspero, Giulio; Melis, Andrea; Montebugnoli, Stelio; Monticelli, Rita Carla Francesca; Navarro, Janina; Oliva, Jorge; Pagan, Fabio; Pasquaré Mariotto, Federico; Pereyra, Carlota; Rossi, Lucio; Savio, Giuseppe; Spiriti, Andrea; Vaidyanathan, Brandon; Valdivia-Silva, Julio; Vargas, Teófilo; Velázquez, Lourdes; Vera Cervantes, Victor Daniel; Viaña, Carlos; Vianelli, Alberto; Vicentini, Alessandra; Vilcapuma, Patricia; Zapata, Remigio; Zumaeta, EsaúAs announced at the IAC 2019 held in Washington, at the beginning of 2020 the University of Insubria (Italy), in collaboration with the UCSS of Lima (Peru), has created a new research center called InCosmiCon (Intelligence in the Cosmic Context), based at the Department of Human Sciences, Innovation and Territory (DISUIT). Its goal is to investigate the nature of intelligence in an interdisciplinary way and with a realistic approach, in the context of the history of humankind, of our planet and the whole universe, avoiding the specular errors of reductionism and dualism. InCosmiCon has already been joined by various illustrious scientists in the _eld of space sciences, as the former IAU Secretary General Piero Benvenuti, now Honorary President of InCosmiCon, and also by some members of the IAA SETI Committee, as Paolo Musso, Director of InCosmiCon, and the present Chairman of the IAA SETI Committee Claudio Maccone, who has been nominated Coordinator of the InCosmiCon SETI Section, whose aim is to support the implementation of SETI programs everywhere it is possible, especially in Italy and Latin America, and to participate in the interdisciplinary work about extraterrestrial intelligence promoted by the IAA SETI Committee. Other Sections of InCosmiCon are devoted to Big History and Intercultural Communication, especially focusing on the extraordinary experience of the UCSS Amazonian seat, the UCSS-Nopoki of Atalaya, which could be also a model for a positive interaction with a hypothetical extraterrestrial civilization. In the present paper some of the InCosmiCon members are going to present its structure, its _rst results, and its projects for the next future, while a separate paper will be speci_cally devoted to a Peruvian project about Astrobiology and Optical SETI.