(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023) Tacca Huamán, Daniel Rubén; Alva Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel; Cuarez Cordero, Renzo; Córdova Berona, Helí Alejandro; Franco Canaval, David Guillermo; Tacca Huamán, Ana Luisa
The objective was to know the contribution of MOOCs in the continuous training of Peruvian high school teachers and also to highlight the challenges and difficulties they presented. The research was mixed with a sequential explanatory design; initially 311 participants entered the survey, but after the corresponding filters, an effective sample of 149 secondary education teachers was reached. According to the results, 63% of initial participants completed a MOOC, of these 92 % obtained certification, the majority invested up to 50 dollars to obtain a certificate and a large number of promoters appeared in the NPS survey. On the other hand, it was shown that MOOCs contribute positively to the development of digital, didactic and pedagogical skills; however, it was identified that passive and detractor teachers do not agree with the autonomy of MOOCs because they demanded personalized attention.