Análisis de la resiliencia considerando un programa de intervención multimodal en adolescentes en estado de abandono
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
El presente trabajo nace a propósito del análisis de la situación psicosocial del adolescente en estado de abandono en quienes a pesar de permanecer en un albergue no se garantiza su capacidad de enfrentar las adversidades que se les presentan, es por ello que se implementa una investigación de tipo cuasiexperimental a una población de 30 adolescentes de ambos sexos cuyas edades oscilaron entre los 11 y 16 años; el objetivo fue determinar el efecto de la aplicación de un programa de intervención multimodal, considerando para ello como variable dependiente la resiliencia, y la variable independiente el programa "Como un ave Fénix", teniendo como parte del procedimiento la aplicación de la Escala de resiliencia para adolescentes (ERA) antes y después de la intervención para apreciar los efectos del Programa, el cual constó de 15 sesiones, una sesión por semana. El tratamiento estadístico que se utilizó para el análisis y procesamiento de datos fue la T de Wilcoxon para determinar si existían diferencias entre las dos medidas de la misma variable. Se encontró como resultado que existen variaciones cuando se comparan los puntajes del pretest y postest de la prueba de resiliencia y se halla una media de rango positiva de 15.50 y un puntaje Z de 4,785, evidenciando las diferencias significativas; asímismo se encontró que, en cuanto a los factores de resiliencia tales como insigth, independencia, interacción, moralidad, humor, iniciativa y creatividad el programa también evidenció variaciones significativas. Un alto porcentaje de niños, niñas y adolescentes están expuestos a condiciones sociales y familiares de riesgo lo que afecta su desarrollo integral. Finalmente se debe mencionar que este programa está diseñado para adolescentes en estado de abandono por lo que su aplicación se limitaría a jóvenes con estas características.
This work comes from the purpose of analyzing the psychosocial situation in abandoned teenagers who, despite being allowed to stay in a shelter, they have not the guarantee to strenghten their capacity to cope with adversity. Therefore, through this quasi-experimental research, it is proposed to implement the program "As a phoenix" in a population of 30 adolescents of both sexes who are from 11 to 16 years old. Thus, we sought to determine the implementation effect of the program in this population. We consider the application of the Resilience Scale for Adolescents (ERA) as the dependent variable and the program implementation and application as the independent one. The program consisted of 15 sessions (two for each of resilience). The data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon T statistical. The results showed that they were significant differences after the implementation of the program (mean positive range of 15.50 and a score of 4.785 Z). In addition, about the resilience factors (insight, independence, interaction, morality, humor, initiative and creativity) significant variations were also found. Furthermore, it was found that a high percentage of children and adolescents were exposed to family and social risk conditions affecting their development. Finally, it should be mentioned that this program is designed for abandoned teenagers and its application should be limited to people with these characteristics.
This work comes from the purpose of analyzing the psychosocial situation in abandoned teenagers who, despite being allowed to stay in a shelter, they have not the guarantee to strenghten their capacity to cope with adversity. Therefore, through this quasi-experimental research, it is proposed to implement the program "As a phoenix" in a population of 30 adolescents of both sexes who are from 11 to 16 years old. Thus, we sought to determine the implementation effect of the program in this population. We consider the application of the Resilience Scale for Adolescents (ERA) as the dependent variable and the program implementation and application as the independent one. The program consisted of 15 sessions (two for each of resilience). The data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon T statistical. The results showed that they were significant differences after the implementation of the program (mean positive range of 15.50 and a score of 4.785 Z). In addition, about the resilience factors (insight, independence, interaction, morality, humor, initiative and creativity) significant variations were also found. Furthermore, it was found that a high percentage of children and adolescents were exposed to family and social risk conditions affecting their development. Finally, it should be mentioned that this program is designed for abandoned teenagers and its application should be limited to people with these characteristics.
Resiliencia (Psicología), Adolescente, Programas de intervención, Psicología--Tesis