La vulneración de derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres privadas de libertad
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
La presente investigación, sobre la dramática situación de las mujeres en las
cárceles, tuvo por objeto verificar la existencia de problemáticas relacionadas a
sus derechos sexuales y reproductivos. El trabajo de investigación tiene
relevancia científica porque ha demostrado que, dentro de la cárcel de mujeres,
existe discriminación en el ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos
con relación al hombre que se encuentra jurídicamente en la misma condición
privativa de libertad. La desigualdad en el trato hacia las mujeres al interior del
centro penitenciario se manifiesta a través de la visita íntima que, si bien encarna
un derecho fundamental, en el Código de Ejecución Penal se encuentra dentro
del rubro de “beneficios penitenciarios”, el cual está sujeto a los requerimientos
postulados por la norma y por la “buena voluntad” de los funcionarios que
custodian a las internas. Esta situación retratada saca a relucir la importancia de
una pronta solución por parte de las autoridades, dado que los derechos
fundamentales son interdependientes, lo que implica que se encuentran
íntimamente ligados con otros derechos de suma importancia, como son el libre
desarrollo de la personalidad, la dignidad, el proyecto de vida, y hasta el de
formar una familia. Por ello, se ha recomendado que se instale una mesa
multisectorial que aborde la problemática de los derechos sexuales y
reproductivos, y sea dicho ente quien, emita un proyecto de ley en favor de este
sector de la población vulnerable que, por diversos motivos, se encuentra privada
de la sociedad y de sus familias.
This research on the reality of women in prisons aims to verify the existence of difficulties related to the sexual and reproductive rights of women deprived of liberty. The research work has scientific relevance because it will demonstrate that there is a marked discrimination between the prison system for men and for women, as they are not able to fully exercise their sexual rights as if it were done by the man despite being legally in the same condition. This inequality of rights in the treatment inside the penitentiary centers is manifested through the intimate visit that, although it embodies a fundamental right, the Penal Execution Code indicates it as a penitentiary benefit; benefit that is subject to the requirements postulated by the norm and by the good will of the officials who guard the inmates. Therefore, together with the conclusions, it will be presented a bill in favor of the inmates who are serving time, for which reason this study is framed. Within the fundamental rights that protect the dignity in the life of women which for various reasons are deprived of society and their families.
This research on the reality of women in prisons aims to verify the existence of difficulties related to the sexual and reproductive rights of women deprived of liberty. The research work has scientific relevance because it will demonstrate that there is a marked discrimination between the prison system for men and for women, as they are not able to fully exercise their sexual rights as if it were done by the man despite being legally in the same condition. This inequality of rights in the treatment inside the penitentiary centers is manifested through the intimate visit that, although it embodies a fundamental right, the Penal Execution Code indicates it as a penitentiary benefit; benefit that is subject to the requirements postulated by the norm and by the good will of the officials who guard the inmates. Therefore, together with the conclusions, it will be presented a bill in favor of the inmates who are serving time, for which reason this study is framed. Within the fundamental rights that protect the dignity in the life of women which for various reasons are deprived of society and their families.
Derechos sexuales y reproductivos, Mujeres presas, Derecho--Tesis, Sexual rights; Reproductive rights, Women prisoners