El mutismo selectivo: evaluación e intervención en el contexto escolar
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
El mutismo selectivo conlleva altos niveles de sufrimiento personal y tiene como consecuencia problemas de adaptación al entorno, puede mediatizar el desarrollo afectivo- emocional y repercutir negativamente en el desarrollo social, personal y académico del niño. Los niños con mutismo selectivo tienen una competencia lingüística y comunicativa adecuada para su edad, manifestándose en su entorno familiar próximo, pero no se evidencia en otros ambientes y con otras personas menos conocidas. Esta inhibición del habla, raramente remite de forma espontánea y puede prolongarse durante mucho tiempo sino se interviene de manera oportuna. Muchos de los niños con mutismo selectivo suelen presentar, además, algunos rasgos de personalidad característicos como: timidez, retraimiento social, dependencia, etc. El terapeuta en Audición y Lenguaje, sabe detectar y discernir las características diferenciales de este problema y al tener experiencia en la recuperación de los trastornos relacionados con el lenguaje y la comunicación, puede lograr que este lenguaje inhibido fluya y se restablezca haciendo uso del mismo. Es importante realizar programas de intervención interdisciplinarios donde el docente, psicólogo, terapeuta; puedan utilizar cuestionarios, entrevistas, actividades lúdicas, aplicar técnicas de modificación de conducta y actividades que desarrollen las habilidades sociales de los niños con la finalidad de incrementar la capacidad social y lingüística del alumno.
Selective mutism involves high levels of personal suffering and results in difficulties in adapting to the environment; it may interfere with the affective and emotional development and adversely affect the child’s social, personal and academic development. Children with selective mutism have language and communication skills appropriate to their age that shows in their immediate family environment, but not in other environments or with other less known people. This speech inhibition rarely remits spontaneously and may continue for a lengthy period if not treated in a timely manner. Many children with selective mutism tend to show also some characteristic personality traits, such as shyness, social withdrawal, dependency, etc. Hearing, Speech and Language Therapists know how to identify and discern the distinguishing characteristics of this condition, and having experience in recovery from disorders related to language and communication, they can make this inhibited speech to flow and re-establish, by using it. It is important to conduct inter-disciplinary intervention programs where the teacher, psychologist, therapist may use questionnaires, interviews, leisure activities, apply behavior modification techniques and activities that develop social skills in children in order to increase social and language skills in students.
Selective mutism involves high levels of personal suffering and results in difficulties in adapting to the environment; it may interfere with the affective and emotional development and adversely affect the child’s social, personal and academic development. Children with selective mutism have language and communication skills appropriate to their age that shows in their immediate family environment, but not in other environments or with other less known people. This speech inhibition rarely remits spontaneously and may continue for a lengthy period if not treated in a timely manner. Many children with selective mutism tend to show also some characteristic personality traits, such as shyness, social withdrawal, dependency, etc. Hearing, Speech and Language Therapists know how to identify and discern the distinguishing characteristics of this condition, and having experience in recovery from disorders related to language and communication, they can make this inhibited speech to flow and re-establish, by using it. It is important to conduct inter-disciplinary intervention programs where the teacher, psychologist, therapist may use questionnaires, interviews, leisure activities, apply behavior modification techniques and activities that develop social skills in children in order to increase social and language skills in students.
Mutismo, Diagnóstico pedagógico, Orientación pedagógica, Educación especial--Trabajo de investigación