Impacto del canal de e-commerce para incrementar las ventas en la empresa JG accesorios y moda a Santa Cruz - Bolivia en el año 2020
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
La siguiente tesis tiene como objetivo conocer el impacto que tiene el comercio electrónico conocido como e-commerce para aumentar las ventas en la empresa JG Accesorios y Moda SAC, una empresa dedicada al comercio de bisuterías, a Santa Cruz - Bolivia en el año 2020. Para ello se realizó un análisis previo donde se determinó que todavía existen ciertas limitaciones como la falta de acceso al internet y el nivel de bancarización de los bolivianos, sin embargo, con la llegada de la pandemia, hacen que estas limitaciones se acorten con mayor rapidez, lo que es una gran oportunidad para poder vender al país vecino. De esta manera, para cumplir con nuestro objetivo de investigación, se realizó una investigación de tipo aplicada donde el nivel de investigación es un nivel descriptivo correccional, aplicando un diseño no experimental. Asimismo se empleó el instrumento de cuestionario a una muestra de 68 mujeres de entre 25 a 55 años de clase media, residentes de Santa Cruz – Bolivia extraída de un total de 87,348, población total de Santa Cruz. Optando por realizar dichas encuestas de manera online, utilizando para ello, donde se determinó que el e-commerce tiene un gran impacto en las ventas con la posibilidad de llegar a exportar a Santa Cruz mediante el comercio electrónico, ya que existe una aceptación en el mercado con respecto a los productos de bisutería y la venta mediante el e-commerce. Obteniendo como resultado que, teniendo una tecnología adecuada para el comercio electrónico y entregar los productos según el tiempo establecido con el cliente, la empresa JG Accesorios y Moda podrá ofrecer precios más competitivos con respecto a sus competidores, siendo así más atractivos para el público de Santa Cruz. Asimismo, se obtuvo como resultado que, las estrategias de marketing juegan un papel muy importante para la empresa ya que este le permite tener mayor presencia en el medio digital y poder así llegar a más personas interesadas en la adquisición de bisutería a nivel internacional.
The following thesis aims to know the impact of electronic commerce known as e-commerce to increase sales in the company JG Accesorios y Moda SAC, a company dedicated to the trade of costume jewelery, to Santa Cruz - Bolivia in 2020. For this, a previous analysis was carried out where it was determined that there are still certain limitations such as the lack of access to the Internet and the banking of Bolivians, however, with the arrival of the pandemic, these limitations are shortened more quickly, which which is a great opportunity to sell to the neighboring country. In this way, to meet our research objective, an applied research was carried out where the research level is a descriptive correctional level, applying a nonexperimental design. Likewise, the questionnaire instrument was used to a sample of 68 middle-class women between 25 and 55 years old, residents of Santa Cruz - Bolivia, extracted from a total of 87,348, total population of Santa Cruz. Choosing to carry out these surveys online, using for this, Where it was determined, that e-commerce has a great impact on sales with the possibility of exporting to Santa Cruz through electronic commerce, since there is an acceptance in the market with respect to jewelry products and sale through ecommerce. Obtaining as a result that, having adequate technology for electronic commerce and delivering the products according to the time established with the client, the company JG Accesorios y Moda will be able to offer more competitive 8 prices with respect to its competitors, thus being more attractive to the public of Santa Cruz. Likewise, it was obtained as a result that marketing strategies play a very important role for the company since it allows it to have a greater presence in the digital medium and thus be able to reach more people interested in the acquisition of costume jewelery at an international level.
The following thesis aims to know the impact of electronic commerce known as e-commerce to increase sales in the company JG Accesorios y Moda SAC, a company dedicated to the trade of costume jewelery, to Santa Cruz - Bolivia in 2020. For this, a previous analysis was carried out where it was determined that there are still certain limitations such as the lack of access to the Internet and the banking of Bolivians, however, with the arrival of the pandemic, these limitations are shortened more quickly, which which is a great opportunity to sell to the neighboring country. In this way, to meet our research objective, an applied research was carried out where the research level is a descriptive correctional level, applying a nonexperimental design. Likewise, the questionnaire instrument was used to a sample of 68 middle-class women between 25 and 55 years old, residents of Santa Cruz - Bolivia, extracted from a total of 87,348, total population of Santa Cruz. Choosing to carry out these surveys online, using for this, Where it was determined, that e-commerce has a great impact on sales with the possibility of exporting to Santa Cruz through electronic commerce, since there is an acceptance in the market with respect to jewelry products and sale through ecommerce. Obtaining as a result that, having adequate technology for electronic commerce and delivering the products according to the time established with the client, the company JG Accesorios y Moda will be able to offer more competitive 8 prices with respect to its competitors, thus being more attractive to the public of Santa Cruz. Likewise, it was obtained as a result that marketing strategies play a very important role for the company since it allows it to have a greater presence in the digital medium and thus be able to reach more people interested in the acquisition of costume jewelery at an international level.
Comercio electrónico, Venta, Accesorios de vestir, Negocios internacionales--Tesis