Relación de gestión logística internacional y efectividad de las ventas en el canal mayorista de la empresa Molitalia S.A. 2020-2021
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
El presente trabajo de investigación se elaboró con el principal objetivo de determinar la relación de la gestión logística internacional con la efectividad de las ventas en el rubro de alimentos para mascotas del canal de mayorista de la empresa Molitalia S.A. 2020 - 2021. Se llevó a cabo el estudio utilizando el enfoque cuantitativo, de nivel descriptivo correlacional y de tipo aplicada. El diseño de investigación es no experimental de corte transversal. La población estuvo conformada por 38 colaboradores de la empresa Molitalia S.A de donde se obtuvo una muestra probabilística de 27 colaboradores. Se utilizó la técnica de la Encuesta y como instrumento el Cuestionario. Como principales resultados encontrados en esta investigación se tiene que existe una relación significativa de la logística internacional con la efectividad de las ventas en el rubro de alimentos para mascotas del canal de mayorista de la empresa Molitalia S.A. 2020 -2021.
This research work was developed with the main objective of determining the relationship between international logistics management and the effectiveness of sales in the pet food category of the wholesale channel of the company Molitalia S.A. 2020 - 2021. The study was carried out using the quantitative approach, correlational descriptive level and applied type. The research design is not cross-sectional experimental. The population was made up of 38 collaborators of the company Molitalia S.A from which a probabilistic sample of 27 collaborators was obtained. The Survey technique was acquired and the Questionnaire as an instrument. As main results found in this research, there is a significant relationship between international logistics and the effectiveness of sales in the pet food category of the wholesale channel of the company Molitalia S.A. 2020 -2021.
This research work was developed with the main objective of determining the relationship between international logistics management and the effectiveness of sales in the pet food category of the wholesale channel of the company Molitalia S.A. 2020 - 2021. The study was carried out using the quantitative approach, correlational descriptive level and applied type. The research design is not cross-sectional experimental. The population was made up of 38 collaborators of the company Molitalia S.A from which a probabilistic sample of 27 collaborators was obtained. The Survey technique was acquired and the Questionnaire as an instrument. As main results found in this research, there is a significant relationship between international logistics and the effectiveness of sales in the pet food category of the wholesale channel of the company Molitalia S.A. 2020 -2021.
Negocios internacionales--Tesis, Logística empresarial, Comercio mayorista, Business logistics, Wholesale trade