Tipos caracterológicos e intereses vocacionales en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
Se analizan los intereses vocacionales según los tipos caracterológicos en
estudiantes de una universidad privada de Lima de nivel socioeconómico medio.
La muestra estuvo constituida por 301 adolescentes La investigación es
considerada de tipo básica, en tanto que aporta al conocimiento teórico, y de
diseño no experimental: descriptivo, comparativo y transversal. La muestra fue
seleccionada de manera no probabilística-intencional. Ellas respondieron dos
cuestionarios: el Cuestionario Caracterológico de Gastón Berger-CCGB,
adaptado para la población peruana el 2006, y el Inventario de Intereses
Profesionales y Ocupacionales CASM 83, revisado en el 2014. Ambos
instrumentos han sido objeto de revisión en el Perú por Vicuña. En los resultados
se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el interés en
ciencias físico-matemática, predominando el tipo caracterológico pasional y en
el interés en burocracia, predominando el tipo caracterológico colérico. Los
resultados se discuten en función a la literatura respectiva.
Palabras clave: Tipos caracterológicos, interés vocacional, carácter, jóvenes
Vocational interests are analyzed according to the characterological types in students of a private university in Lima of medium socioeconomic level. The sample consisted of 301 teenagers. The research is considered of a basic type, insofar as it contributes to theoretical knowledge, and of non-experimental design: descriptive, comparative and transversal. The sample was selected in a non-probabilistic-intentional way. They answered two questionnaires: the Gaston Berger-CCGB Characterological Questionnaire, adapted for the Peruvian population in 2006, and the Inventory of Professional and Occupational Interests CASM 83, revised in 2014. Both instruments have been reviewed in Peru by Vicuña. Statistically significant differences were found in the results in the interest in physical-mathematical sciences, with the passionate character type predominant and in the interest in bureaucracy, with the choleric character type predominant. The results are discussed according to the respective literature. Keywords: Characterological types, vocational interest, character, youth
Vocational interests are analyzed according to the characterological types in students of a private university in Lima of medium socioeconomic level. The sample consisted of 301 teenagers. The research is considered of a basic type, insofar as it contributes to theoretical knowledge, and of non-experimental design: descriptive, comparative and transversal. The sample was selected in a non-probabilistic-intentional way. They answered two questionnaires: the Gaston Berger-CCGB Characterological Questionnaire, adapted for the Peruvian population in 2006, and the Inventory of Professional and Occupational Interests CASM 83, revised in 2014. Both instruments have been reviewed in Peru by Vicuña. Statistically significant differences were found in the results in the interest in physical-mathematical sciences, with the passionate character type predominant and in the interest in bureaucracy, with the choleric character type predominant. The results are discussed according to the respective literature. Keywords: Characterological types, vocational interest, character, youth
Personalidad, Orientación profesional, Psicología--Tesis