Técnicas de traducción aplicadas a los culturemas presentes en cartas de menú de restaurantes de Lima, 2023
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
El presente estudio de investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar las técnicas de traducción aplicadas a los culturemas presentes en cartas de menú de restaurantes de Lima, 2023. El enfoque teórico corresponde a la clasificación de las técnicas de traducción de Vinay y Darbelnet, Hurtado y Gómez. El presente estudio fue de enfoque cualitativo, nivel descriptivo de tipo básica y de diseño de caso. Además, se hizo uso del análisis del corpus para la recolección de datos para analizar las técnicas utilizada en los culturemas de las cartas. El corpus estuvo compuesto de 3 cartas gastronómicas bilingües de restaurantes más emblemáticos de Lima, donde se encontraron un total de 90 culturemas lo que representa nuestro corpus genérico, de ese total se extrajeron 30 culturemas de nombres de entradas, sopas y platos de fondo para nuestro corpus especifico. Como resultado, se obtuvo que las técnicas de traducción más concurrentes para la traducción de los culturemas en las cartas de menú fueron el préstamo y el compuesto hibrido (32,6 % cada una), seguida de las técnicas de calco (14,0%) y explicitación (11,5 %), que buscan claridad sin perder integridad cultural. Asimismo, las técnicas que tuvieron menos incidencias fueron las técnicas de adaptación (7,0 %) y la técnica de generalización (2,3%), las cuales son menos comunes, reflejando un menor enfoque en modificar o simplificar términos gastronómicos.
This research study was focused on analyzing the translation techniques applied to the culturemes found in the menu of restaurants in Lima in 2023. The theoretical approach corresponds with the classification of translation techniques by Vinay and Darbelnet, Hurtado, and Gomez. The research approach was qualitative, with a descriptive level and basic type, utilizing a case study design. Additionally, corpus analysis was used for data collection to examine the techniques employed in translating culture-specific items in the menus. The corpus was composed of 3 menus of three bilingual gastronomic menus from the most emblematic restaurants in Lima, containing a total of 90 culturemes, representing our general corpus. From this total, 30 culturemes from starters, soups, and main courses were extracted to form our specific corpus. The results indicated that the most prevalent translation techniques for culturemes in the menu were borrowing and hybrid composition (32,6 % each), followed by calque (14,0 %) and explicitation (11,5 %), which aim to maintain clarity without compromising cultural integrity. Furthermore, the techniques with fewer incidences were adaptation (7,0 %) and generalization (2,3 %), reflecting a lesser focus on modifying or simplifying gastronomic terms.
This research study was focused on analyzing the translation techniques applied to the culturemes found in the menu of restaurants in Lima in 2023. The theoretical approach corresponds with the classification of translation techniques by Vinay and Darbelnet, Hurtado, and Gomez. The research approach was qualitative, with a descriptive level and basic type, utilizing a case study design. Additionally, corpus analysis was used for data collection to examine the techniques employed in translating culture-specific items in the menus. The corpus was composed of 3 menus of three bilingual gastronomic menus from the most emblematic restaurants in Lima, containing a total of 90 culturemes, representing our general corpus. From this total, 30 culturemes from starters, soups, and main courses were extracted to form our specific corpus. The results indicated that the most prevalent translation techniques for culturemes in the menu were borrowing and hybrid composition (32,6 % each), followed by calque (14,0 %) and explicitation (11,5 %), which aim to maintain clarity without compromising cultural integrity. Furthermore, the techniques with fewer incidences were adaptation (7,0 %) and generalization (2,3 %), reflecting a lesser focus on modifying or simplifying gastronomic terms.
Traducción-- Tesis, Traducciones, Restaurantes