El sistema de control de inventarios y su incidencia en la rentabilidad de la empresa GAHE Inversiones, 2020
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar de qué forma un sistema de control de inventarios incide en la rentabilidad de la empresa GAHE Inversiones, 2020. Principalmente, es dar a conocer la importancia de contar con un sistema contable para el control de inventarios, así como su correcto uso y manejo para una buena gestión que repercutirá en los resultados económicos-financieros. La metodología de la investigación es de carácter descriptivo-explicativo de tipo aplicada, cuyo diseño es no experimental-transversal con un enfoque cuantitativo. La unidad de análisis para la recolección de datos estuvo dirigida a 28 trabajadores de la empresa comercial GAHE Inversiones de las áreas de contabilidad, administración, almacén y logística. La técnica que se utilizó para la recaudación de información fue la encuesta y los datos recolectados fueron procesados a través del programa estadístico SPSS. Tras el análisis de los resultados se evidenció la deficiencia de un sistema de control de inventarios en la empresa GAHE Inversiones que repercute de forma negativa en los índices de rentabilidad. Es por ello, que debido a la exigente demanda que requiere un negocio del rubro comercial como el que se encuentra la empresa en mención, la correcta aplicación y funcionamiento del control de inventarios influirá de manera positiva en la rentabilidad del mismo.
The present work aims to determine what form an inventory control system affects the profitability of the company GAHE Inversiones, 2020. Mainly it is to publicize the importance of having an accounting system for inventory control, as well as its correct use and management to have a good management that will affect the economic-financial results. The research methodology is of an applied descriptive-explanatory nature, whose design is non-experimental-transversal with a quantitative approach. The unit of analysis for data collection was directed to 28 workers from the commercial company GAHE Inversiones from the accounting, administration, warehouse and logistics areas. The technique used to collect information was the survey and the data collected were processed through the SPSS statistical program. After the analysis of the results, the deficiency of an inventory control system in the company GAHE Inversiones was evidenced, which has a negative effect on the profitability indexes. That is why due to the demanding demand required by a business in the commercial area such as the one in which the company in question is located, the correct application and operation of inventory control will positively influence its profitability.
The present work aims to determine what form an inventory control system affects the profitability of the company GAHE Inversiones, 2020. Mainly it is to publicize the importance of having an accounting system for inventory control, as well as its correct use and management to have a good management that will affect the economic-financial results. The research methodology is of an applied descriptive-explanatory nature, whose design is non-experimental-transversal with a quantitative approach. The unit of analysis for data collection was directed to 28 workers from the commercial company GAHE Inversiones from the accounting, administration, warehouse and logistics areas. The technique used to collect information was the survey and the data collected were processed through the SPSS statistical program. After the analysis of the results, the deficiency of an inventory control system in the company GAHE Inversiones was evidenced, which has a negative effect on the profitability indexes. That is why due to the demanding demand required by a business in the commercial area such as the one in which the company in question is located, the correct application and operation of inventory control will positively influence its profitability.
Inventarios, Ganancia, Inventories, Profits, Contabilidad--Tesis