Desarrollo del pensamiento creativo mediante el Design Thinking en estudiantes de tercero de primaria
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la efectividad de un programa basado en la metodología Design Thinking para desarrollar el pensamiento creativo en estudiantes de tercer grado de primaria de una Institución Educativa particular de Lima Metropolitana. El enfoque fue cuantitativo, de nivel explicativo
y tipo experimental, con diseño cuasi experimental utilizando grupo control y grupo experimental con pre test y post test. La muestra intencional estuvo conformada por 42 estudiantes entre varones y mujeres de tercer grado de primaria; 21 estudiantes formaron parte del grupo experimental y los 21 restantes, al grupo control. Se aplicó como instrumento la Prueba para evaluar indicadores básicos de creatividad - R de Sánchez y Reyes. El programa aplicado tuvo como finalidad desarrollar estrategias basadas en la misma metodología activa a través de doce sesiones de aprendizaje en el área de tutoría y así potenciar las dimensiones de fluidez ideacional, organización y originalidad. Se obtuvieron resultados estadísticamente significativos en las dimensiones de originalidad y organización del grupo experimental, lo que no sucedió con la dimensión de fluidez ideacional del mismo grupo.
The research named "Development of creative thinking through Design Thinking in third-grade students" aimed to analyze the effectiveness of a program based on the Design Thinking methodology to develop creative thinking in third-grade primary students of a Private Educational Institution in Metropolitan Lima. The approach was quantitative; the level used was explanatory and experimental, with a quasi-experimental design with a control group and an experimental group with pre-test and post-test. The purposive sample consisted of 42 students between men and women from the third grade of primary school. The applied instrument was the Test to evaluate fundamental indicators of creativity - R of Sanchez and Reyes (2003). The applied program designed to develop strategies based on the same active methodology through twelve learning sessions in the tutoring area and therefore enhance the dimensions of ideational fluency, organization, and originality. Results were statistically significant in the experimental group's size of creativity and organization, which did not happen with the same group's ideational fluency dimension. In the case of group control, no significant changes were observed.
The research named "Development of creative thinking through Design Thinking in third-grade students" aimed to analyze the effectiveness of a program based on the Design Thinking methodology to develop creative thinking in third-grade primary students of a Private Educational Institution in Metropolitan Lima. The approach was quantitative; the level used was explanatory and experimental, with a quasi-experimental design with a control group and an experimental group with pre-test and post-test. The purposive sample consisted of 42 students between men and women from the third grade of primary school. The applied instrument was the Test to evaluate fundamental indicators of creativity - R of Sanchez and Reyes (2003). The applied program designed to develop strategies based on the same active methodology through twelve learning sessions in the tutoring area and therefore enhance the dimensions of ideational fluency, organization, and originality. Results were statistically significant in the experimental group's size of creativity and organization, which did not happen with the same group's ideational fluency dimension. In the case of group control, no significant changes were observed.
Educación--Tesis, Pensamiento creativo, Estudiante de primaria, Creative thinking, Primary school students