Relación entre el liderazgo de las directoras y el clima organizacional de las instituciones educativas del Sagrado Corazón en Lima Metropolitana: estudio realizado con personal docente de las instituciones educativas de la red del Sagrado Corazón en Lima Metropolitana
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
La presente investigación, descriptiva correlacional, tiene como objetivo central determinar la relación entre el estilo de liderazgo de las directoras de las Instituciones Educativas (IE) y el clima organizacional de las mismas. El estudio se llevó a cabo en cuatro Instituciones Educativas de la Red de Religiosas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús (RSCJ) ubicadas en Lima metropolitana. La muestra del estudio estuvo conformada por 167 docentes que laboran en dichas Instituciones Educativas a quienes se les aplicó un cuestionario basado en la escala de Rensis Lickert con el propósito de obtener información sobre el Estilo de Liderazgo y Clima Organizacional percibido por los docentes. La investigación formuló una hipótesis general que ha quedado confirmada al existir una relación positiva entre Liderazgo que ejerce la directora y el clima organizacional. En los resultados hallados tanto en los niveles de Liderazgo de las directoras como en el clima organizacional de las cuatro I.E. del Sagrado Corazón, el porcentaje más alto se ubica en el nivel medio, con variantes significativas en cada una de las instituciones investigadas. Resultados que corresponden a la relación positiva entre el liderazgo de tipo consultivo y el clima organizacional que revela confianza y nivel de compromiso entre sus miembros. En los capítulos de la presente tesis, se desarrolla detalladamente el tema que es motivo en la presenta investigación.
This descriptive correlational research aims to determine the relationship between the leadership style of a group of Principals and the Organizational Climate in the schools they lead. The study was conducted in four schools that belong to the Religious Network Sacred Heart of Jesus (RSCJ) located in Metropolitan Lima. The sample of the study consisted of 167 teachers who work at these schools. They were given a questionnaire based on the Rensis Lickert scale to obtain information about the Leadership Style and Organizational Climate perceived by teachers. The research formulated a general hypothesis that has been confirmed by the existence of a positive relationship between Leadership and Organizational Climate perceived by teachers. The results revealed that, both in the level of the Principals´ Leadership and Organizational Climate of the four Sacred Heart schools, the highest percentage is in the medium level with significant differences between the institutions investigated. Results that fit with a positive relationship between a consultative leadership style and Organizational Climate show confidence and commitment among its members.
This descriptive correlational research aims to determine the relationship between the leadership style of a group of Principals and the Organizational Climate in the schools they lead. The study was conducted in four schools that belong to the Religious Network Sacred Heart of Jesus (RSCJ) located in Metropolitan Lima. The sample of the study consisted of 167 teachers who work at these schools. They were given a questionnaire based on the Rensis Lickert scale to obtain information about the Leadership Style and Organizational Climate perceived by teachers. The research formulated a general hypothesis that has been confirmed by the existence of a positive relationship between Leadership and Organizational Climate perceived by teachers. The results revealed that, both in the level of the Principals´ Leadership and Organizational Climate of the four Sacred Heart schools, the highest percentage is in the medium level with significant differences between the institutions investigated. Results that fit with a positive relationship between a consultative leadership style and Organizational Climate show confidence and commitment among its members.
Palabras clave
Escuelas católicas, Clima organizacional, Liderazgo(Educación), Directores de escuela, Educación--Tesis