Estrategias genéricas competitivas para incrementar las exportaciones de la naranja de Chanchamayo a Francia 2021
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
El presente trabajo de investigación fue realizado con el objetivo de describir las estrategias genéricas competitivas para incrementar la exportación de la naranja de Chanchamayo al mercado francés.Desde el punto de vista metodológico, la investigación tiene un diseño no experimental y es de tipo aplicado y de nivel descriptivo correlacional. La población es de 110 productores, la muestra es de 42 productores que fue calculada estadísticamente con 95% de confianza y sus elementos seleccionados mediante la técnica de muestreo no probabilístico. Se consideraron las dimensiones de liderazgo en costo, diferenciación, producto y mercado. Se realizó la confiabilidad del instrumento utilizado para recolectar la información, dando como resultado un coeficiente de Alfa de Cronbach de 0,839.En conclusión, se demuestra que la adecuada implementación de las estrategias genéricas competitivas permitirá incrementar las exportaciones de los productores de la naranja de Chanchamayo.
The present research work was carried out with the objective of describing the competitive generic strategies to increase the export of the Chanchamayo orange to the French market. From the methodological point of view, the research has a non-experimental design and it is applied type and descriptive-correlational level. The population is 110 producers, the sample is 42 producers, which was statistically calculated with 95% confidence and its elements selected using the non-probability sampling technique. The dimensions of leadership in cost, differentiation, product and market were considered. The reliability of the instrument used to collect the information was performed, resulting in a Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of 0.839. In conclusion, it is shown that the adequate implementation of competitive generic strategies will allow increased exports of the Chanchamayo orange producers.
The present research work was carried out with the objective of describing the competitive generic strategies to increase the export of the Chanchamayo orange to the French market. From the methodological point of view, the research has a non-experimental design and it is applied type and descriptive-correlational level. The population is 110 producers, the sample is 42 producers, which was statistically calculated with 95% confidence and its elements selected using the non-probability sampling technique. The dimensions of leadership in cost, differentiation, product and market were considered. The reliability of the instrument used to collect the information was performed, resulting in a Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of 0.839. In conclusion, it is shown that the adequate implementation of competitive generic strategies will allow increased exports of the Chanchamayo orange producers.
Naranja dulce, Exportaciones, Negocios internacionales--Tesis