Cultura tributaria y su incidencia en el incumplimiento de los impuestos en los comerciantes del mercado productores Santa Anita, 2019-2020
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo general determinar la incidencia que tiene la Cultura tributaria en el incumplimiento de pago de impuestos de los comerciantes de abarrotes del Mercado de Productores de Santa Anita, 2019- 2020. Este trabajo de investigación presenta un enfoque cuantitativo, pues se trabajó con información cuantificable que fue analizada y procesada para la obtención de resultados, el nivel de investigación es descriptivo correlacional, de tipo aplicada, el diseño es no experimental de corte transversal. La población de estudio está conformada por 50 comerciantes del Mercado de Productores, así mismo la muestra obtenida de forma aleatoria está constituida por 45 de estos comerciantes, los cuales dieron autorización de forma verbal para la toma de la encuesta, para la recaudación de información se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta virtual. Para determinar la relación entre las variables Cultura tributaria e incumplimiento de pago de impuestos, se utilizó la prueba de Chi-Cuadrado que arrojó como resultado un p-valor de 0.079, este valor es mayor que el nivel de significancia de 0.05, lo que significa que no existe correlación entre las variables. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos se evidencia que la cultura tributaria no tiene incidencia con el incumplimiento de pago de impuestos de los comerciantes. Sin embargo, se cree necesario el fomento de la cultura tributaria para el desarrollo de conciencia tributaria en los contribuyentes con el fin de promover y afianzar el comportamiento responsable y ético de las personas frente al cumplimiento.
The general objective of this study is to determine the incidence that tax culture has on the non-payment of taxes by grocery merchants of the Santa Anita Producers' Market, 2019-2020 This research work presents a quantitative approach, since it worked with quantifiable information that was analyzed and processed to obtain results, the level of research is descriptive correlational, applied type, the design is nonexperimental cross-sectional. The study population is made up of 50 merchants of the Producers' Market, likewise the sample obtained randomly is made up of 45 of these merchants, who gave verbal authorization for the survey to be taken, for the collection of information the virtual survey technique was used. To determine the relationship between the variables Tax culture and noncompliance with tax payments, the Chi-Square test was used, which yielded a pvalue of 0.079, this value is greater than the significance level of 0.05, which means that there is no correlation between the variables. According to the results obtained, it is evident that the tax culture has no incidence on the non-payment of taxes by merchants. However, it is believed necessary to promote tax culture to develop tax awareness among taxpayers in order to promote and strengthen the responsible and ethical behavior of people with respect to compliance.
The general objective of this study is to determine the incidence that tax culture has on the non-payment of taxes by grocery merchants of the Santa Anita Producers' Market, 2019-2020 This research work presents a quantitative approach, since it worked with quantifiable information that was analyzed and processed to obtain results, the level of research is descriptive correlational, applied type, the design is nonexperimental cross-sectional. The study population is made up of 50 merchants of the Producers' Market, likewise the sample obtained randomly is made up of 45 of these merchants, who gave verbal authorization for the survey to be taken, for the collection of information the virtual survey technique was used. To determine the relationship between the variables Tax culture and noncompliance with tax payments, the Chi-Square test was used, which yielded a pvalue of 0.079, this value is greater than the significance level of 0.05, which means that there is no correlation between the variables. According to the results obtained, it is evident that the tax culture has no incidence on the non-payment of taxes by merchants. However, it is believed necessary to promote tax culture to develop tax awareness among taxpayers in order to promote and strengthen the responsible and ethical behavior of people with respect to compliance.
Contabilidad y Finanzas--Tesis, Impuestos, Evasión de impuestos, Comerciantes