Cuidado y familias: análisis de implicancias de las políticas públicas nacionales para las personas adultas mayores
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
La presente investigación busca conocer a profundidad los programas sociales y políticas públicas con las que cuenta el Perú dirigidas a proteger a los adultos mayores, las que deberían ser parte de una preocupación permanente en tanto nos encontramos inmersos en un nivel de envejecimiento moderado producto de los drásticos cambios en la demografía que han hecho que se esté invirtiendo la pirámide poblacional. Para lograr este objetivo, en primer lugar, se analiza la normatividad vigente en materia de cuidado en general, vale decir, las normas que protegen a toda la comunidad para luego centrarnos en la protección que tienen las personas adultas mayores de manera específica. En segundo lugar, se revisó el panorama latinoamericano; para ello se ha seleccionado a cuatro países: Uruguay, Argentina, Chile y Colombia a fin de conocer qué es lo que están haciendo para proteger a su población adulta mayor, de qué manera y qué aspectos son los más trabajados para que nos sirvan de referente y podamos proyectar algunas propuestas aplicables a nuestro país que nos permitan avanzar en el tema. Para validar la investigación se han revisado cuatro aspectos relevantes de la experiencia comparada: seguridad económica, salud, entornos físicos y entornos sociales favorables de los adultos mayores. El estudio encuentra que hay muchos aspectos en los cuales trabajar en el Perú para lograr que se garantice a los adultos mayores una estabilidad económica, política, social y, sobre todo, de salud que ampare sus necesidades específicas que repercuten en diferentes situaciones de pérdida de autonomía.
This research seeks to know in depth the social programs and public policies that Peru has aimed at protecting older adults, which should be part of a permanent concern as we are immersed in a moderate ageing level as a result of the drastic changes in demographics that have caused the population pyramid to be reversed. To achieve this objetive, first of all, the current general normativity is analysed, moreover, the rules that protect the whole community, and then focus on the protection that older adults have in a specific way. Secondly, the Latin-American overview was reviewed, focusing on four countries: Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Colombia, to be conscious of the measures they are taking to safeguard their elderly population and to highlight how and which aspects are the most exploited. These will serve us as points of reference to make proposals applicable to our country. Four relevants aspects of the comparative experience have been reviewed to validate the research: economic security, health, physical environment and social environment. The study finds that there are many aspects to work on to guarantee the elderly an economic, political, social, and especially of health, stability, that protects their specific needs that have an impact on different situations of loss of autonomy.
This research seeks to know in depth the social programs and public policies that Peru has aimed at protecting older adults, which should be part of a permanent concern as we are immersed in a moderate ageing level as a result of the drastic changes in demographics that have caused the population pyramid to be reversed. To achieve this objetive, first of all, the current general normativity is analysed, moreover, the rules that protect the whole community, and then focus on the protection that older adults have in a specific way. Secondly, the Latin-American overview was reviewed, focusing on four countries: Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Colombia, to be conscious of the measures they are taking to safeguard their elderly population and to highlight how and which aspects are the most exploited. These will serve us as points of reference to make proposals applicable to our country. Four relevants aspects of the comparative experience have been reviewed to validate the research: economic security, health, physical environment and social environment. The study finds that there are many aspects to work on to guarantee the elderly an economic, political, social, and especially of health, stability, that protects their specific needs that have an impact on different situations of loss of autonomy.
Cuidado de personas adultas mayores, Familia, Política pública (Derecho), Derecho--Tesis