Análisis de las técnicas de traducción empleadas en un diario digital, Lima Metropolitana 2021
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
El presente trabajo de investigación se centró en analizar las técnicas empleadas en la traducción al inglés de noticias con temática COVID-19. El enfoque de la investigación fue cualitativo, de nivel descriptivo, de tipo básica, y con diseño de estudio de caso instrumental. El corpus estuvo compuesto por 48 extractos de noticias en español e inglés, las cuales se analizaron en fichas de análisis. Los resultados del estudio mostraron que las 10 técnicas propuestas para el análisis se aplicaron en los extractos de noticias traducidas al inglés. Se comprobó que la técnica de traducción literal (28%) fue la de mayor predominancia, y que las técnicas de amplificación (16%), equivalente acuñado (14%), y modulación (11%) se emplearon en promedio, mientras que las de menor uso fueron las técnicas de transposición (9%), elisión (8%), préstamo (5%), ampliación lingüística (5%), descripción (3%); y, finalmente, la técnica de compensación (1%) solo registró un caso.
This research work was focused on analyzing the techniques used in the English translation of COVID-19-themed news. The research approach was qualitative, descriptive, basic, and with an instrumental case study design. The corpus consisted of 48 news extracts in Spanish and English, which were analyzed in analysis sheets. The results of the study showed that the 10 techniques proposed for analysis were applied to the news extracts translated into English. It was found that the literal translation technique (28%) was the most predominant, and that the techniques of amplification (16%), coined equivalent (14%), and modulation (11%) were used on average, while the transposition (9%), elision (8%), borrowing (5%), linguistic expansion (5%), description (3%) techniques were less used; and, finally, the compensation technique (1%) only registered one case.
This research work was focused on analyzing the techniques used in the English translation of COVID-19-themed news. The research approach was qualitative, descriptive, basic, and with an instrumental case study design. The corpus consisted of 48 news extracts in Spanish and English, which were analyzed in analysis sheets. The results of the study showed that the 10 techniques proposed for analysis were applied to the news extracts translated into English. It was found that the literal translation technique (28%) was the most predominant, and that the techniques of amplification (16%), coined equivalent (14%), and modulation (11%) were used on average, while the transposition (9%), elision (8%), borrowing (5%), linguistic expansion (5%), description (3%) techniques were less used; and, finally, the compensation technique (1%) only registered one case.
Traducción--Tesis, Traducción, Publicaciones periódicas electrónicas, Traduction, Electronic journals