Relación entre estado nutricional y anemia en preescolares de una institución educativa estatal
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
La investigación tuvo como objetivo establecer la relación entre el estado nutricional y anemia de los niños en edad preescolar de la Institución Educativa Estatal en el distrito de Surco, año 2018. La metodología corresponde a un estudio de nivel descriptivo correlacional con diseño no experimental y de corte transversal donde se utilizaron los indicadores antropométricos: peso para la talla (P/T) y talla para la edad (T/E) así como parámetro bioquímico de hemoglobina. La muestra no probabilística de 32 niños matriculados de 3, 4 y 5 años que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión. Para el procesamiento de datos se utilizó el programa digital Microsoft Excel versión 2016 y la asociación de variables se estimó mediante el chi cuadrado con un nivel de confianza de 95%. Los resultados mostraron que el 86.5% de los preescolares presentaron normal el peso para la talla (P/T), así como el 9.4% con sobrepeso y 3.1% con obesidad; la talla para la edad (T/E), el 96.9% normal, el 3.1% con talla baja. La anemia se calificó como 78.1% sin anemia, el 15.6% anemia leve y 6.3% anemia moderada. Se concluyó que el estado nutricional no está relacionado significativamente con la anemia.
The research was aimed to establish the relationship between the nutritional status and anemia of preschool-aged children of State Educational Institution in Surco district, year 2018. The methodology corresponds to a study of a correlational descriptive level with a non-experimental and cross-sectional design where anthropometric indicators were used: weight for height (P / T) and height for age (T / E) as well as hemoglobin biochemical parameter. The non-probabilistic sample of 32 children with ages of 3, 4 and 5 who met the inclusion criteria. The Microsoft Excel version 2016 digital program was used for data processing and the association of variables was estimated using chi square with a confidence level of 95%. The results showed that 86.7% of the preschoolers presented normal weight for height (P / T), as well as 9.4% with overweight and 3.1% with obesity; height for age (T / E), 96.9% normal, 3.1% with short stature. Anemia was rated as 78.1% without anemia, 15.6% mild anemia and 6.3% moderate anemia. It was concluded that nutritional status is not significantly related to anemia.
The research was aimed to establish the relationship between the nutritional status and anemia of preschool-aged children of State Educational Institution in Surco district, year 2018. The methodology corresponds to a study of a correlational descriptive level with a non-experimental and cross-sectional design where anthropometric indicators were used: weight for height (P / T) and height for age (T / E) as well as hemoglobin biochemical parameter. The non-probabilistic sample of 32 children with ages of 3, 4 and 5 who met the inclusion criteria. The Microsoft Excel version 2016 digital program was used for data processing and the association of variables was estimated using chi square with a confidence level of 95%. The results showed that 86.7% of the preschoolers presented normal weight for height (P / T), as well as 9.4% with overweight and 3.1% with obesity; height for age (T / E), 96.9% normal, 3.1% with short stature. Anemia was rated as 78.1% without anemia, 15.6% mild anemia and 6.3% moderate anemia. It was concluded that nutritional status is not significantly related to anemia.
Estado nutricional, Anemia, Estudiantes preescolares, Nutrición--Tesis