La psicomotricidad fina y la iniciación de la escritura de los estudiantes de 1er grado de educación primaria
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Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
El presente trabajo de investigación abarca la psicomotricidad fina como estrategia para desarrollar el proceso de iniciación de la escritura de los niños de primer grado de Primaria, para reforzar los movimientos finos que fortalecen el agarre de pinza que luego darán paso a un proceso fluido y significativo de la expresión escrita. El propósito de la investigación es describir la relación entre la psicomotricidad fina y la iniciación de la escritura en los estudiantes de 1er grado de Educación Primaria. Según Aucouturier, el movimiento es esencial para el aprendizaje del niño, debido a que él aprende a través de la interacción que tiene con el medio que lo rodea, adquiriendo experiencias significativas, las cuales se transforman en conocimientos para su vida diaria. Se puede considerar que el desarrollo de habilidades motrices finas brinda una adecuada coordinación en la movilidad y también permite expresar emociones, dichas habilidades se plasmarán en una hoja a través de las grafías que el niño realice, desarrollándose de manera integral. Un aspecto muy importante que surge de la presente investigación es el referido al rol del docente que es fundamental para potenciar al máximo las habilidades del niño; de modo que se propone diversas actividades didácticas para estimular la escritura y así formar niños capaces de enfrentar la vida con madurez
The present research work is about fine motor skills as a strategy to develop the process of writing's beginning in children in the first grade of Primary, both very important to lead the fluid and meaningful process of written expression. The purpose of the research is to describe the relationship between fine motor skills and the beginning of writing in students of 1st grade of Primary Education. According to Aucouturier, movement is essential for learning, because he learns through the interaction he has with the environment that surrounds him, acquiring significant experiences, which are transformed into knowledge for his daily life from her. It can be considered that the development of fine motor skills provides adequate coordination in mobility and also allows to express emotions, which will be reflected on a piece of paper through the letters that the child makes, developing integrally. A hugely important aspect that arises from this research is the one referred to as the teacher role, which is fundamental to maximize the abilities of children; thus, different didactic activities are proposed to stimulate writing and form children capable of facing life with maturity.
The present research work is about fine motor skills as a strategy to develop the process of writing's beginning in children in the first grade of Primary, both very important to lead the fluid and meaningful process of written expression. The purpose of the research is to describe the relationship between fine motor skills and the beginning of writing in students of 1st grade of Primary Education. According to Aucouturier, movement is essential for learning, because he learns through the interaction he has with the environment that surrounds him, acquiring significant experiences, which are transformed into knowledge for his daily life from her. It can be considered that the development of fine motor skills provides adequate coordination in mobility and also allows to express emotions, which will be reflected on a piece of paper through the letters that the child makes, developing integrally. A hugely important aspect that arises from this research is the one referred to as the teacher role, which is fundamental to maximize the abilities of children; thus, different didactic activities are proposed to stimulate writing and form children capable of facing life with maturity.
Educación psicomotriz, Escritura, Estudiante de primaria, Educación--Trabajo de Investigación