Now showing items 1-10 of 69
Tecnología en el proceso educativo: nuevos escenarios
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(Universidad del Zulia, 2020)
La tecnología en el proceso educativo, representa hoy día una herramienta esencial e imprescindible, siendo una exigencia de la vida moderna, que se incorpora de manera radical en un confinamiento obligatorio producto de ...
Creencias epistemológicas de estudiantes de secundaria en la aceptación y uso de Facebook
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(Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 2020)
Las creencias de los alumnos para efectos de aprendizaje, evolucionan con su edad y experiencias; lo que permite explicar la aceptación y uso de un medio didáctico-tecnológico. De esta manera, se buscó: comprender la ...
Body kinesthetic activity in basic level children's learning
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(PalArch's Journals, 2020)
Body kinesthetic activity in basic education is fundamental for the development of students learning. The teacher is key to carry out this action, stimulating it with a relevant, assertive and motivating communication, ...
The InCosmiCon research center and its activities in the field of SETI, big history and interculturality
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(International Astronautical Federation, 2020)
As announced at the IAC 2019 held in Washington, at the beginning of 2020 the University of Insubria (Italy), in collaboration with the UCSS of Lima (Peru), has created a new research center called InCosmiCon (Intelligence ...
Educational rationality and consumer society
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(Polish Academy of Sciences - Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, 2022)
In the paper we analyze the educational rationality closely associated with a neoliberal cultural logic that causes various lifestyles which seek only the satisfaction of unreal or symbolic needs where the ideal of education ...
Efecto de la ingesta de frutas nativas como guanábana, sachatomate, aguaymanto y tumbo serrano sobre la glicemia a través del índice glicémico
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(Sociedad Española de Nutrición Comunitaria, 2021)
Fundamentos: Las frutas nativas están ganando la atención en el mundo debido a la amplia gama de macro y micronutrientes y fitoquímicos que aportan beneficios saludables y presentan un impacto sobre las enfermedades no ...
Study of mental states in online classes caused by COVID-19, using brain-computer interface
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(CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021)
The pandemic caused by COVID-19, has achieved the confinement of people around the world, changing many habits and customs. Education is one of the areas where this aspect has caused many changes in the way of studying, ...
Inclusive competences in initial training : the teacher for inclusive education
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(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021)
Inclusive education is a challenge. Both national and international, it has been insisted in that education policies of each nation should be oriented to allow the implementation of this teaching-learning scheme, so that ...
Methodology for edge detection in high resolution optical satellite images
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(CEUR-WS, 2021)
Optical satellite images are an important and indispensable tool in the analysis of large areas of land, for this reason many applications arise, among them the subject of the detection of objects present in the images, ...
Enfoques de evaluación y uso de la tecnología en la educación superior: revisión de alcance
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(Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2022)
La evaluación es un proceso central para el desarrollo y el progreso del aprendizaje siendo el puente que evita que la enseñanza y el aprendizaje sean procesos paralelos que nunca se encuentran. En esta investigación se ...