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dc.contributor.authorDávila Morán, Roberto Carlos
dc.contributor.authorGuanilo Pareja, Carla Giuliana
dc.contributor.authorGuanilo Paredes, Carlos Enrique
dc.contributor.authorRuiz Nizama, José Leonor
dc.contributor.authorAgüero Corzo, Eucarise del Carmen
dc.descriptionIndexado en Scopus.es_PE
dc.descriptionEl texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Institucional UNIFE. Deberá acceder por el DOI ó URL de la casa editorial externa.es_PE
dc.descriptionBoletín de Malariología y Salud Ambiental ; Vol. 61, Nº 1; 2021; pp. 29-37es_PE
dc.description.abstractThe Covid-19 officially declared a pandemic, since March 11, 2020, spreading in several countries around the world, at the same time affecting hundreds of thousands of people on all continents, causing a large number of deaths, to the date, continues to claim fatalities; However, although there are populations at higher risk (elderly, diabetics, hypertension, among others), at the same time, workers are exposed to a common source of transmission and many jobs that were previously considered relatively safe are now potentially dangerous. Therefore, many workers face threats of exposure to the virus, economic stress and job uncertainty coupled with fears of economic burden to meet the health contingency, get sick and die. A descriptive investigation of a cross sectional cohort of virtual modality was proposed between the months of September 2020 to January 2021, to know the contextual factors: individual, unit and macro. In the former, economic stress and occupational risk factors that affect the behavior and attitudes of employees towards COVID-19, as well as their health. In the latter, organizational responses to ensure the safety and health of your workforce such as increased PPE and telecommuting. And finally, in the third group, the great variability in the promulgation of policies that affect the lives of almost all workers was evidenced. Finally, the questionnaire can be extrapolated to an institution with a view to a critical analysis in light of the standards of governments, regulators, and NGOs.es_PE
dc.publisherInstituto de Altos Estudios de Salud Públicaes_PE
dc.relation.ispartofurn:issn: 1690-4648es_PE
dc.sourceRepositorio Institucional – UNIFÉes_PE
dc.subjectInfecciones por coronaviruses_PE
dc.subjectEstrés laborales_PE
dc.subjectSalud laborales_PE
dc.titleLa pandemia de COVID-19: amenaza biológica versus trabajo y sociedades_PE
dc.title.alternativeThe COVID-19 pandemic: biological threat versus work and societyen_US
dc.identifier.journalBoletín de Malariología y Salud Ambientales_PE
dc.contributor.unifeGuanilo Pareja, Carla Giuliana

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